A recurring theme in the Reveal the Shield Legends line is that the deco changed between the first packaged samples and the final toy. Starscream got significantly better with the later release, as the first shipments and/or production had an unpainted grey head. It's hideous. The final release (pictured) has a black head which is the one I think you'll want to get unless you collect rare variations.
Starscream is a beloved villain-- if that's possible-- and the Generation 1 incarnation of the Decepticon warrior has received a lot of love in the toy aisle from tiny die-cast figures to adorable Robot Heroes toys to G1-inspired Classics, Universe, and Robot Masters toys plus a Masterpiece Edition release and a Smallest Transforming Transformers release. Heck, in 2008 there was another Legends-class toy based on G1 Starscream. So why release another one? Well, why not?
This one has articulated shoulders, hips, and knees plus he's got a swell smirk for a tiny toy. He looks a lot like the original character with null-ray cannons on his arms and a red chest with the obligatory canopy for his chest. The funny thing, though, is that it's a false canopy-- it's sculpted under the plane and the actual plane canopy tucks behind it during the transformation process. (See below for a picture, as I don't want to write another 1,000 words.) He doesn't have the Decepticon symbol on his wings due to the rubsign "Reveal the Shield" gimmick, but that's why we have Japanese repaints.
Changing him into a plane and back is an utter delight, and very different from most other jets over the years. I'm not even going to describe it to you. If you have fun changing these toys around, go get one because it's totally worth the experience.
The jet looks really cool, with the guns tucking in behind the canopy and the various fins rotating in pleasing ways. There are no moving parts in plane mode, but there really don't need to be at this scale. It looks great, I think you're going to like it a lot.
This one's a treat-- get it if you can, and get his repaints if pricing permits. (So far, they're only coming in Japan.) Due to how the toy transforms you can rotate up the nose cone and make this into one of the Coneheads (Dirge/Thrust/Ramjet) quite easily, so you could probably put out a boxed set with more versions of just this one mold. And to Hasbro if you're reading-- I will buy them.
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