If the 2 3/4-inch Mutant Evolver Pheyaos Hyper Mordireus Fusion looks familiar, it should! Onell Design and RealxHead have been conspiring together on figures for years, most of which sell out in 30 seconds and I've never really had a shot at them. The default head matches Pheyaos Mini and Pheyaos Man, with an all-new Glyos-compatible body that really does match the style of the RealxHead soft vinyl figures you missed and can't afford. A bonus face on the back of the head looks a little bit like the Chaos Trooper, but what truly amazed me was the color match of the plastic. If memory serves the first Mordireus Pink figures were sold in the December 12, 2012 drop with the likes of Sarvos and Crayboth and again in September 2013 with
Noboto and Gobon. Sadly I am missing Noboto. There's also a Bio-Masters figure, Skeleden, and others with pinks so pink you would want them all.
Brand-new molds from Onell Design are rare happenings, and strange collaborations like this are even rarer. The textures, lumps, claws, and other elements open this figure to countless possibilities as a blank canvas for customs or even higher-deco special runs at higher prices. They managed to pack all the splendor of a high-end low-run soft vinyl figure for collectors in a smaller PVC figure that has 12 points of articulation and remains compatible with other limb-swapping Glyos figures.
If you have a standard Pheyden, Sarvos, Phanost, or the typical Traveler-type figure you'll find Pheyaos to be very similar. It's a smidgen taller with more bulk, covered in lumps and spikes and various skin lesions. While Onell Design could have left it largely unpainted and the pinkest pink so pink it'd make Stuart Semple blush and Barbie beg for earth tones could have carried it home, Matt Doughty said "No! It needs something more!" An even pinker metallic pink was added to the fingers, some toes, shoulder, chest, and parts of the head with three black eyes. It's not as obvious in most photographs, but in person - especially when lit from behind - you can see a spectacular difference from the added pigmentation. The clear plastic does obscure details when the figure is kept in a dark place, so consider a place where you can shine a light on it now and then.
Much like the other basic size Onell Design figures, Pheyaos can be dismantled at each and every joint, and is basically sized to work with Imaginext and Playmobil playsets and to a lesser extent, accessories. This looks like the kind of thing Jason might fight in a Blaster Master sequel, some fantastic mutant ready to infect and infest the world while dealing with an unstable body. When a color you like comes up for sale, be sure to grab it - it's so gleefully weird that I assume you will enjoy it.
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