You're buying these, right? You should pick up a couple. Autobot Ratchet is probably my least favorite of the painted figures from the first two waves, just because it feels like the figure isn't getting the most out of his paint applications. The sculpt is fantastic, but the figure uses two different shades of red and leaves his robot eyes unpainted. Honestly, it's the unpainted eyes that leave me feeling this figure is "missing something" because aside from that it's damned good.
Packaged in robot mode, transformation is practically automatic from vehicle to robot. The robot can be folded into a vehicle quickly, just tuck in the arms, feet, and hood of the car and you're done. Easy.
The smile was surprising for the character, but it's a pretty neat mishmash of Ratchetness. The red crest on his forehead is similar in color to the Prime incarnation, but the vehicle mode lacks the red paint on the more recent edition. As always, the wheels roll fine, the sculpt is good, and those of you with any skill can make this figure even better if you know how to paint things or can get the right stickers in place.
As a line of collectible figures, it's tough to beat Bot Shots. They transform, are small, are cheap, and look cool. I expect there will be another, better Ratchet repaint in the next year (if the line continues [it will]) so hey, if you can be patient maybe you'll find something better. But for $4 or so, it's hard to drag your feet if you like this stuff, you know?
Troubleshooting Note: There are two screws on each figure's chest. If you tighten these, the trigger is a little jumpier. If you loosen it, it weakens it a bit. Depending on how well the figures do (or don't) spring up, you may want to keep a screwdriver around to adjust them to your liking.
--Adam Pawlus
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