Few clear Bot Shots are effectively "new" figures, Megatron is a really interesting mix of existing and new parts to make a figure which is, well, new. A painted version of this mold is due in wave 5, but this one is out right now. The head is similar-but-slightly-different from the previous Megatrons, with a new "trailer" piece and a recycled body from Optimus Prime. The end result is effectively Dark of the Moon Tanker Megatron, except cast in clear green plastic with a little bit of paint. The robot mode is, well, here it is. Standard non-articulated design with a lot of paint on the head, for a change.
The vehicle is pretty neat for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that this is the first character to get a second alt-mode in this line. Previous Megatrons were tank-like vehicles, while this truck gives fans of the character some more variety. Interestingly, this one has some paint in vehicle mode. The wheels are cast in black, but the middle non-functional wheels were painted black to give the illusion of consistency. I really appreciate this, because unpainted wheels just look wonky.
Transforming it is a little touchy, the springs on some of the more recent releases just don't seem set quite right-- or maybe I got lucky. It's still the same basic push the bumper, watch it flip up deal as before except it seems a little sleepy with jumping up. I might just need to better adjust it, so far I haven't been able to get an ideal setting on it. I still dig the design and since these are mostly going to be living on a collectible mini-figure shelf, I don't necessarily need it to be perfect. For the price, I'm not complaining.
Troubleshooting Note: As always, there are two screws on each figure's chest. If you tighten these, the trigger is a little jumpier. If you loosen it, it weakens it a bit. Depending on how well the figures do (or don't) spring up, you may want to keep a screwdriver around to adjust them to your liking.
--Adam Pawlus
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