Glyos Action Figures
Item No.: n/a Manufacturer:Onell Design Includes:n/a Action Feature:Alternate helmet head, backpack Retail:$8.00 Availability: September 5, 2012 Other: Obligatory black redeco. Designed by Matt Doughty, sculpted by Jason Frailey, prototyped by Marty Hansen, and beloved by all.
The first one sold out quickly, and the Hades Mimic Armorvor (plus his clear companion) both sold out within minutes of their early September launch. Much like early Matty Collector figures, Onell Design has a few releases that basically require you make an appointment to be online to buy them. At least three more Armorvor figures are promised this year, so if you missed the ones featured here don't lose hope!
As a redeco of the previous 2 1/2-inch high figure, the release looks particularly sharp in black-and-green. While it lacks the rather large amount of paint as the Venjorun model, the Hades Mimic is cast in black plastic with lots of pale green highlights. The head is also painted green, but features white eyes with a black eyeliner going around them as well as black ears, nose, and mouth. It's by no means simple, but there was a lot more going on with the red figure... that doesn't mean the red one is cooler, of course. The Glyos figure matches certain Guylos Zoids (coincidence?) as well as numerous Scourge/Nemesis Prime Transformers figures. Plus let's not forget the black repaint is a proud tradition in the toy market, one which Onell Design remembers and brings back with its characters every year or so. This last batch had several figures cast in black, all of which sold pretty quickly. Well, OK, not all of them. But enough to make you mad if you weren't there at the right time.
I speculate that there will be another Black Armorvor someday, with a different highlight color. Why? Historically, this is a thing Onell Design does, and also because the body is an incredible vessel for other heads. Since Glyos figures are meant to be customized and constructed, you can pop any of a number of heads and they'll look great. If you have heads from The God Beast, they look awesome here. (Yes, even better than on the red one.) The white Venjorun Armorvor wolf head looks awesome hear. The clear head? Also awesome. I have a hard time finding a head which doesn't look either good or fantastic on this body. In many respects it may be a better canvas than it is a toy for a lot of you, of course, I can't bring myself to repaint it or make any permanent changes. I'll swap the heads, of course.
The coloring was foreshadowed a couple of months back in Passcode (skip to 7:00:00), meaning that I guess two out of the three colorways are from the Glyos fiction.
You can read the Venjorun Armorvor review for gushing on the design, but I can say that I like this one a lot too. The Venjorun is still my favorite so far, but the Hades Mimic is plenty fun and weird. The Frankenstein's Monster-green wolf head recalls vintage Battle Beasts weirdness, while the helmeted head feels a smidgen like that homaged-to-death-but-still-delightful Tron: Legacy look. For eight bucks, an Armorvor in any color is going to be worth your while. Good luck getting one for eight bucks, they don't come up for sale very much. is best not viewed in Apple's Safari browser, we don't know why. All material on this site copyright their respective copyright holders. All materials appear hear for informative and entertainment purposes. is not to be held responsible for anything, ever. Photos taken by the staff. Site design, graphics, writing, and whatnot credited on the credits page. Be cool-- don't steal. We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.
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