As Masters of the Universe variants go, I'd say Battleground Evil-Lyn is as exciting if not more so than her original release. She sold out in about 4 days, much slower than the 6 minutes of her yellow-skinned counterpart but still nothing to sneeze at for a glorified repaint. While the original figure.shtmlired to capture the look of the original toy, this one aims to give her the color palette of the 2002 animated series. It does a great job, too, considering it's basically just the Teela body with a cape, a new head, and tweaked arms.
While not quite a perfect Filmation figure or a 2002 figure, but rather a nifty mix of various styles, this Evil-Lyn is worth getting mostly because, if you grew up on the TV show, the notion of her having yellow skin is just sort of wrong. Sure, the toy was yellow, but there's over 100 cartoon episodes where a yellow Evil-Lyn had never appeared. As such, this version is a little more familiar to those of us who, uh, aren't bright yellow. Which is most of us not living in Springfield. Not content to leave the figure at a mere recolor, Mattel have her a new outstretched left hand, new articulated vambraces on her forearms, and a new cape. Her bird is gone, as is the shorter staff, but that's OK because now we have an orb that glows in the dark.
Now up to about 19 meaningful points of articulation, the figure goes one better and tosses in a new unhelmeted head with a bright white short haircut, just like she has on the cartoons. The armor is now a mix of pink, purple, and black with some silver thrown in for good measure. The level of detail on the head is pretty great, with glossy red lips, some purple shading under the black eyebrows, and piercing green eyes. It's a gorgeous figure and proof positive that a few extra cents spent on paint goes a long way in bringing a toy to life.
Now selling for about $20-$30, you can even get her cheaper as part of a small collection. For $20 it's a steal, for $30 it ain't bad, and for more than that... well, just how badly do you want an Evil-Lyn? At this point I doubt we'll see a "Filmation" version in the near future, so flip a coin and get either of these ones. They're both really good for different reasons, but I prefer this version. is best not viewed in Apple's Safari browser, we don't know why. All material on this site copyright their respective copyright holders. All materials appear hear for informative and entertainment purposes. is not to be held responsible for anything, ever. Photos taken by the staff. Site design, graphics, writing, and whatnot credited on the credits page. Be cool-- don't steal. We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.