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Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Onell Design, 2024
Day #2,761: September 26, 2024
Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action FigureZulloid Neo Nebula
New for 2024!

Glyos System Series
Item No.:
No. n/a
Manufacturer: Onell Design
Includes: Clawed hands, closed hands, Multrasor head, Cortexiax head, Sluggoloth head with jointed eyestalks, Zullbeam blaster, switchpins
Action Feature: Pops apart
Retail: $22.00
Availability: August 12, 2024
Other: A Mike Moszczynski Joint


Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action FigureI missed the first few colorways, but I did get the Zulloid Neo Nebula. The 3 3/4-inch alien has three reversible heads, one of which with articulated eye stalks, in addition to alternate hands and an arm blaster beam. You could buy a few of these and have some very differently configured figures, especially if you add other interchangeable heads. This is what the Glyos system is good for - unlimited choice.

Sadly the man behind much of this figure passed before they could come to pass, but the project was superbly carried to the finish line by Onell Design and their many collaborators. And it's an impressive beast.

Click here to check availability at eBay.

Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action Figure

The purple being is absolutely loaded with detail. These guys have gotten a lot more intricate since I first started buying them, with what seems to be very tough skin over bony structure, muscle-like tissue, and of course, claws. I loved The Outer Space Men to pieces, but they were all quite smooth - this guy is just as detailed as any fancy big box toy, if not more so. The deco is pure Glyos - which is to say, simple - but the texture does so much heavy lifting I don't miss it. The glossy dark purple paint over the light purple plastic really shines, and added detail like white teeth pop nicely. Taking cues from another famous bio-engineered organism with visible spine, ribs, and tubes, this guy is a little less terrifying but no less unsettling. The mouth on the Sluggoloth head looks like... well, you know. But the jointed eyestalks give it two different faces, and a lot of personality - it can look up or down at your other figures. That's great! It would be right at home in a watering hole in Mos Eisley or Ulence Flats. I could see him threatening a guy with bad takes in the year 3000, too. He's wide, but not too wide, tall, but not too tall, big enough to be threatening to other Glyos figures, but arguably right at home in a 3 3/4-inch figure display.

Like all Glyos figures, every point of articulation allows you a new opportunity to pop off a joint. You can swap a forearm for a blaster, the hand may be switched from fists to clawed monster mitts. Seeing the level of detail on each limb up-close is surprising, because these guys are usually really good but they're consistently improving the level of detail.

Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action Figure

Each head allows for a complete change of personality, with the weird eyestalk faces, a mushroom-ish head that looks sort of like a helmet on one side and a cyclops on the other, and a brainy head that looks like it fell out of any of a number of b-movies. Each brings a different expression - be it an angry stare, a cranky grimace, or whatever you project onto it - which makes it incredibly hard to decide how I want to display this guy.

Articulation is typical Glyos - all of the 14 joints swivel freely and there are no obstructions to speak of. The legs and arms swing forward fully like you would expect from any good toy, without a skirt or some other hinderance. It's always a little depressing to get a figure that does it, because it highlights hundreds of figures that can't.. Given the destiny of most action figures is to wind up in the hands of adults who will either leave them packaged or standing on a shelf, I guess it doesn't matter to a lot of buyers - but it's so nice to get something like this where you don't have to fight it to do things a Kenner or Fisher-Price figure could do in 1978.

I recommend trying this one out to anybody who has $22 in their digital pocket. It's a great example of what a Glyos figure can do well, with lots of little pieces that I will hopefully not lose. If it comes up for sale in this or another color, treat yourself to one if you already have some 3 3/4-inch figures or Glyos toys. It's good.

--Adam Pawlus

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Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action Figure Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action Figure
Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action Figure Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action Figure
Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action Figure Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action Figure

Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action Figure
Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action Figure
Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action Figure Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action Figure
Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action Figure Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action Figure
Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action Figure Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action Figure
Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action Figure Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action Figure
Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action Figure Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action Figure
Onell Design Glyos Zulloid Neo Nebula Action Figure

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