Saturday, March 8, 2008

New Sea Themed Sets at Toys "R" Us, Fry's Marketplace, Fred Meyer

After weeks of waiting, we're glad to say that the 5834 Shark Cage and 5835 Sea Life Show have shown up in the USA at Toys "R" Us, which means it should see decent distribution. We spotted these at the Porter Ranch Toys "R" Us in Los Angeles, and the items are also available from the Toys "R" Us web site as reported previously.

What's more, the forum users out there (see links to the right) have reported seeing some of these at Fred Meyer and Fry's Marketplace grocery stores. These are owned by the Kroger company, as many grocers are, so check your local Kroger-variant for more. (Fry's Marketplace is not related to Fry's Electronics, nor is it identical to Fry's Food & Drug-- Fry's Marketplace actually has a significant toy and general merchandise selection, and is found in Phoenix, Arizona.)

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Sunday, February 24, 2008

5835 Sea Life Show Packaged Pics

While there have been no confirmed USA brick-and-mortar sightings (or any at all other than Toys "R" Us' web site we are happy to report that some guy named "segaslash" is selling the 5835 Sea Life Show on eBay. Apparently, it's a Super Set (at least in terms of packaging) and you can see it here. It also shows the back of the box, which shows the first (and probably only so far) baby white seal, a unique rockies formation, an exclusive sign, and some other new-to-this-set components.

Have you seen this set in the wild? Let us know!

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