Astro-Nautilus, the Man from Neptune
Alpha Phase
Outer Space Men Alpha Phase Figure
Item No.: n/a
Manufacturer: Four Horsemen
Includes: Staff
Action Feature: n/a
Retail: $19.99 (sold with Metamorpho in a bundle)
Availability: July 2010, Comic-Con Exclusive
Other: Purple

When I first saw pictures of the original 1960s bendable figures, I never assumed that I'd own a version of Astro-Nautilus, let alone one in a low-cost action figure form. This translucent purple edition was the very first release of the mold, and legend has it that the edition size is about 300 pieces. It's a low-run figure, as low-run figures go... but since nobody seems to be collecting the line, well, maybe 300 pieces was the right size.
As with the other figures in the line, Astro-Nautilus makes good use of the Glyos system which means you can swap around parts and dismantle the figure for customization purposes-- so if you own other figures from the line, Glyos toys, or Callgrim figures, you can make your own freakish custom creations. You can see such a construct at the very bottom of the pictures below.
This particular figure is unpainted, save for some detail on his eyes. Surprisingly, the clear color shows off the texture fairly well (not as well as the painted one) and with a little bit of futzing around, you can wrap his tentacles around the included staff accessory-- which, I should note, is too thick to be held in regular figures' hands due to their closed fists. This squiddy fellow is built very much like the Adventure People and Star Wars toys of the 1970s and early 1980s-- standard square crotch construction, swivel jointed arms (4 of them), and a swivel head with the added benefit of a jointed waist and an extra point of articulation mid-tentacle. If you want, you can basically cram this guy inside most good 3 3/4-inch scale vehicles which you may as well do. He's sized to menace Luke Skywalker and a zillion times cooler than the Star Brigade aliens or Manimals.
Astro-Nautilus has a funny name (Astro Naut, get it?) and is one of the few characters in the line to have no form of helmet-- actually, of the ones released so far, only he is lacking in some form of head gear. If you like fishy retro-alien toys that really do look like they fell out of a time warp, this is a good one-- but the purple clear figure is quite expensive. The clear blue Beta Phase figure or the fully-painted Infinity Edition figure are cheaper, and at press time, the latter is still available rather cheap from the Four Horsemen store.
I had so much fun with this one when I got it, it isn't funny. I pulled out other old toy vehicles and basically had a good time with a figure that feels like an upgraded, but not too modernized, version of a classic toy. I love the fact that it wasn't a bendable figure (as I am not a fan of the format) and the constructable elements are a nice touch, although in the grand scheme of things I'd be happy with it even if it were a solid figure with 8 joints or fewer. It's good. Get one, if not this one, get another color.
--Adam Pawlus
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Click here to see more Outer Space Men figures in Figure of the Day.
Click here to see more Glyos Compatible figures in Figure of the Day.