Breakfast of Champions! Every year Hasbro has a nice breakfast for fans showcasing a bunch of new Hasbro items. Comic-Con exclusives are a big part of the focus, but so are new and upcoming items like Liokaiser, but Titans Return continues with a bunch of cool newness. Gnaw, the long-rumored, long-awaited update of the original movie's Sharkticon, is coming! This Legends-class figure will be joined by Bumblebee, getting his first non-exclusive US Generations figure in a few years. Bumblebee does have the ability to open up and have a Titan Master drive him, which is a welcome addition and new for the character. These look fairly far along, but no release date was given at the breakfast. (A card at the booth indicates January.) I hope there are plenty of Gnaws to go around, because that's an army builder if ever there was one.
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Two new Titan Masters were shown - Sawback seems to be a tribute to the ultra-rare Japanese toy Lione, while Overboard is an update of the classic Soundwave cassette Overkill - only it's reusing the Crashbash/Clobber mold. I guess that means that a smart device Legends of him is not en route any time soon.
A Voyager-class Megatron was shown, and as rumored it looks a lot like Blitzwing. The tank/plane/robot is cast in a sort of ghostly grey plastic - like Galvatron's parts - with metallic stickers and limited decoration. Customizers may wish to paint it, or wait for the Japanese release. His head sculpt is good, but the stickers seem like an ill-fitting choice against the grey plastic. It does look like fun, though!
Exclusive to Walgreens, a single-carded deluxe-class Brainstorm was also confirmed - with packaged samples! Due in November (even though the tent card said August at the booth), this is a redeco of the SDCC exclusive toy - itself a remold of Titans Return Blurr - except painted to emphasize the toy deco rather than the IDW comic deco in More Than Meets the Eye. For those who missed the excellent toy at the show, this is a good substitute - but you'll probably still want the 3-pack anyway. Some new Generations Alt Modes were also shown, and those should start shipping soon after a few delays.
--Adam Pawlus