Generally speaking I don't seek out a figure just because I want to see what it looks like, but Monster Claw Carnage was exceedingly difficult to track down in mid-to-late 2010. He definitely got cherry-picked, was short-shipped, and generally just wasn't around much. There's a reason people pay more for him on eBay, you had to work hard if you wanted to find one. Since I decided that I'd like to see one in person, it took me about five months to finally find one at retail. Because if this I would say it was a bit of a letdown, but this has nothing to do with the actual quality of the action figure.
This figure is one of the better villains in the line, exceeding Venom in terms of articulation and effectively matching Green Goblin. With 13 points of articulation you can probably get this 4 1/4-inch figure into whatever action pose you would like, and as an added bonus his unique hip construction lets him sit down. (For whatever reason, the same kind of joints don't allow sitting on Iron Man toys.) This freaky character has two big does, huge claw fingers, and a freakish mouth with big black fangs and a red cake hole. Covered in textured webs, this is just such an evil looking figure that it might even strike you as ridiculous... but I like it. Maximum Carnage, baby.
The amount of detail is good for this particular figure line, and the slightly glossy black paint does a lot to make the figure feel just a little menacing-- almost like you don't want to touch the slimy thing. There are little bits of him hanging off his forearms too, and a couple more chunks practically squirming to get off the back of his legs. The body sculpt is so good, odds are you won't notice the fact it has no waist joint... and a waist joint would just upset the overall look of this creepy character anyway.
So how about those accessories? They're OK, but nothing spectacular. The Monster Claw is pretty fun, you open it, and push a figure into it triggering a button, causing the claw to clamp shut. It's fun, but if you're a collector you're generally not interested in fun so much, I find. Shame on you. The axe is the same as the one that came with Venom but in red, he has some difficulty carrying it and frankly it doesn't do much for me. It's just there, so try not to lose it.
Since it likely won't have an analog in Marvel Universe any time soon, just go ahead and get this version of Carnage to round out your Marvel collection. There aren't too many villains in the line, and two new ones (Scorpion and the Lizard) are just hitting this year in this scale. As such, if you see it, get yourself a Carnage. is best not viewed in Apple's Safari browser, we don't know why. All material on this site copyright their respective copyright holders. All materials appear hear for informative and entertainment purposes. is not to be held responsible for anything, ever. Photos taken by the staff. Site design, graphics, writing, and whatnot credited on the credits page. Be cool-- don't steal. We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.
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