Four Horsemen Power Lords Ggrabbtargg Action Figure Four Horsemen, 2014
Day #1,254: August 25, 2015
Ggrabbtargg The Four Fisted Sergeant
Power Lords Carded Figure
Item No.: n/a Manufacturer:Four Horsemen Includes:Long and short staff handles Action Feature:n/a Retail:$25.00 Availability: May 2014 (on sale), July 2014 (delivered) Other: Limited edition of 300, Fan Club Exclusive
In the world of collectible toys, momentum and an engaged fanbase are valuable assets. Power Lords debuted to much fanfare and tremendous goodwill, and then had neither. Ggrabbtargg was a good example of how the Horsemen put together a good idea on a good license, but through the magic of time and waiting people may have just moved on. The item sold quickly thanks to its low production run, but the low going rate on eBay says it all - people don't have a lot of hope for this line which, after nearly two years, has yielded exactly two figures (with some repaints and remolded parts). Expectations were high, as the Horsemen delivered a pretty rapid clip of Outer Space Men to the tune of four per year for the first two years. Even a high-quality trickle of repaints is still a trickle of repaints, while the loyalists wait to see what (if anything) happens with this once and possibly future Glyos-compatible line some of us just kind of shrugged and went back to our consistent favorites.
This is not a bad figure - not in the slightest. The roughly 5 1/8-inch four-armed alien menace has an awesome reptile skin with a leathery space suit complete with various screens and lights and other gadgets. He looks like he came from a very good imagination - and indeed he did, borne of the mind of one Mr. Wayne Barlowe - but with a new head for the 21st century. It's impossible to not admire the clean paint job that is leaps and bounds better than most mass-produced figures, even "collector" ones, for a pretty fantastic price. Each joint is connected to the body through a regular or mini Glyos peg, meaning you can dismantle the figure and swap limbs for customizing or other purposes. It's handy, but time has showed that the "builder" class of Glyos fans have ebbed a bit and fewer figures are being sacrificed to the customizer scrap heap, particularly when the runs are low. As such, it is what it is - a low-run collector figure sold to a limited but receptive fan base.
With huge bony eyebrows and "hair" that looks like a goldfish tail, this is a wonderfully neat alien. Strange legs, huge toes, and no interest in shoes makes for a striking design from an alternate civilization. I can barely manage to imagine the intense productivity a creature like this could have, what with a hand to hold a phone, the mouse, and also two hands on the keyboard. They will destroy us. Or they would, if anyone knew they were out there.
His nifty weapon has an optional grip in both long and short flavors, so you can mix up how this figure looks on your shelf. Neither is really superior, and the spare hilt serves no function other than to clutter up your spare part bins. It's nicely sculpted, and the hilt is shiny to the matte finish of the larger, bludgeoney part on top. It's pretty nice as accessories go, particularly as most Glyos-compatible figures don't do a lot of weapons.
As one of the bigger Glyos figures, and certainly one with an unusually high piece count, Ggrabbtargg is a nifty addition to the Power Lords Glyos collection. The 3 3/4-inch line is still quite small after two years, and with figures being on display show after show it's tough to say if you're better off buying now when nobody seems to be paying on eBay, or waiting it out to see if this line has a future. The asking price on the figures seems to be pretty low if you buy a whole collection, so keep that in mind as you look these up. I can't say I've had a lot of fun with them, because despite the high quality the reality of a diverse line of cool aliens being populated by a handful of repaints of the same couple of molds was hard to swallow. On the bright side, if you can accept the line for what it is - small but great - you're in for a treat as most collectors didn't even give these figures a first look. Fans of this line's spiritual Glyos ancestor - The Outer Space Men - may be interested in knowing that there are some insinuations that it may continue without the Four Horsemen, but that remains to be seen. We've had some good runs. is best not viewed in Apple's Safari browser, we don't know why. All material on this site copyright their respective copyright holders. All materials appear hear for informative and entertainment purposes. is not to be held responsible for anything, ever. Photos taken by the staff. Site design, graphics, writing, and whatnot credited on the credits page. Be cool-- don't steal. We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.