If you need so much green that your green needs green, you're probably going to love the metallic Armorvor Keytrius. The tropical birdlike deco sports metallic green plastic, yellow visors, red eyes, and a few decent highlights - it's worth noting the swirls probably could have rendered the green paint unnecessary.
While not seemingly matched explicitly to another beast toy, this one does bring up some pretty nifty design elements while also showing some of what makes Glyos great and also what doesn't do it a world of good. On one hand, the Armorvor name has returned - recent toys have been dubbed Neo Granthans - but the furry wolf head remains long gone. I absolutely love that the green plastic has cool swirls in it that give the illusion of textures and out-of-this-world substances that, possibly in a comic, would have brought something cool to the story. It's pretty striking, particularly given hints of both green and yellow in the plastic are brought out by actual yellow and green paint. It's marvelous - but at this point in the mold's life cycle, you may have noticed that I'm basically just praising the color choices. The figure is effectively the same great design we've been enjoying the Venjorun Armorvor [FOTD #869] way back in 2012, and because I'm a snot I'm still hoping to get more "animal" heads and I was always hoping to see more story in the form of mini-comics or games on the site. This is more on me - the figure itself still fits together remarkably well and you can swap parts out with your other Glyos-compatible figures.
It sold out fast - I wonder if it's because of the fact they changed the name back? I was on the fence about getting more of these, but I was hoping there might have been a surprise alternate head - hey, I'm nothing if not optimistic. The demand for Armorvors remains high and it seems only the clearish colorless one remained. Thanks to customizers and new fans, the little 2 3/4-inch guy remains popular enough to crank out in new and interesting colors. This batch also had a clear pink one with glitter highlights - it's quite impressive.
For ten bucks - not much inflation given what has happened in the world of action figures over the last four years - this remains a pretty wonderful little action figure. If you missed out on the previous releases, this is a perfectly good one - and really, so is pretty much any of them. This is a great figure to keep in your pocket or on your desk, and I'm just dying for an era when manufacturing new heads is a more cost-effective endeavor than it is today. You're going to be impressed if you ever hold one of these in your hand, but if you have an Armorvor with a wolf head and a Grantahan with a quasi-dinosaur head, you're in good shape. If for any reason you don't have one of these, make it a point to get one during the next Onell Design Glyos drop - they're not quite monthly, but close.
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