Onell Design Outer Space Men OSM Mystron Demonula Onell Design, 2017
Day #1,758: July 31, 2017
OSM Mystron Demonula The Man from Hollow Earth - Special Edition
Outer Space Men Onell Design Special Edition Crossover with the Outer Space Men
Item No.: No. n/a Manufacturer:Onell Design Includes:2 ray guns, tail, wings, chest ornament, 2 staffs, gargoyle gun, spare arms, second helmet Action Feature:Pops apart Retail:$22.00 Availability: June 29, 2017 Other: Hellboy's Pal
As part of a wave of fantasy guys inspired by swords and magic and demons, the Outer Space Men refugee OSM Mystron Demonula fits. Space-faring knights can do battle against a red being of evil from another plane, who just happens to be from a popular compatible toy line. By now you've had many shots at Mystron as a clear figure, a glow figure, a plain white figure, a painted figure, with about 8 releases to date. It's not a lot by Glyos standards, but compared to most other toy lines it's a ton. Thanks to new colors and new paint masks, the results are pretty solid.
One thing I heard Matt Doughty, the chief at Onell Design, state is that he hates waste. The Outer Space Men accessories are all run together on a sprue, which is why you sometimes get extra gear - it has to be run, and it either goes in the figure or goes in the garbage. I'd rather pay an extra buck or three and get the parts if they ran them anyway, because they can let you change up the look of this or other figures. In addition to the traditional Mystron helmet and staff, you get a clear yellow ABS plastic Commander Comet staff, a Alpha 7's blaster, Electron+'s blaster, Electron+'s spear, and a little chest dongle too.
Mystron is essentially the same plastic figure you've seen before, but this is his first time being cast in the devilish red coloring. They really nailed it - black beard, yellow eyes with dark red outlines, painted fingers, and a lot of exposed red plastic. It's great - the wings have a painted dark lining and it wouldn't surprise me if people used these to make a lot of other customs.
Articulation of this 4-inch action figure is about the same as his peers - and he can pop apart at each joint. In addition to the tail and wings, you can swivel him at the shoulders, wrists, ankles, knees, hips, and waist. There are also three black dots on his chest, the middle one easily pops out and you can replace it with other Glyos peg pieces if you like. The included yellow Electron+ ornament can be swapped in, and it actually looks pretty nice. I'm generally not one to mix and match accessories between figures, but getting them all in one bag as a sort of deluxe figure I'm trying things I wouldn't have considered otherwise. I like having options.
For the curious, Mystron was decorated to match the red of the Selogo figures from May. I probably should have bought some of those. I was surprised it didn't sell out immediately - it's possible the extra parts, paint, or inflation made the figure languish a bit rather than be an insta-sell-out, but maybe it was a bigger run too. This is a redeco that just plain made sense, so I'm glad to see it happened and I hope to see a few more like this. I really appreciate that there aren't as many these days - especially with the higher prices - but the results are always pretty great, and it's a thematically sound addition to another fantastical wave of action figures. is best not viewed in Apple's Safari browser, we don't know why. All material on this site copyright their respective copyright holders. All materials appear hear for informative and entertainment purposes. is not to be held responsible for anything, ever. Photos taken by the staff. Site design, graphics, writing, and whatnot credited on the credits page. Be cool-- don't steal. We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.
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