Free! I was asked by a friend known to you as @EllyFontArt to bring some amazing Free Art Friday Atlanta (#FAFATL) creations to San Diego to give away for free! Sadly, this means I can't keep them - but you might find them. They will be distributed around the convention center randomly, hidden in plain sight around downtown San Diego, or handed to you if you happen to find me and I have one on my person. (No, I won't tell you how to find me.)
Images - More SDCC 2013 Coverage and Pictures Below |
In the gallery, you can see each piece as well as the Twitter handle for each artist - in most cases, I don't know their real names so you'll just need to Twitter stalk them to see how you can get more of their work.
Keep an eye on these links to see how you can get yours:
@Adam16bit on Twitter will be posting pictures of hiding places as time permits
#FAFATL on Tumblr
@FAFATL on Twitter
#FAFATL on Twitter
--Adam Pawlus