ReAction Figures! Super7 created this idea years ago with Alien - Funko liked the idea so much, they licensed the brand name and helped bring the figures to market. After a few years at the house of Pop!, Funko moved on and the branding reverted to Super7. I am glad it did. In addition to revised Universal Monsters, we're seeing a heck of a lot more. Ghosts and Goblins from Capcom, Planet of the Apes as well as its sequels Beneath the Planet of the Apes and Escape from the Planet of the Apes are coming. So is Robotech. And Pee-wee's Playhouse, Lucha, The Great Garloo, King Diamond, and even an extended return to the awesome Alien line.
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It was unclear if the space ape was to be Cornelius or Dr. Milo, but he's there along with Mutants with removable masks described as being like Return of the Jedi's soft plastic Boushh helmet. Phil Hartman fans will no doubt be excited for Captain Carl, and more Hellboy figures are also a real treat to see. This is just the beginning - a lot more are in development.
--Adam Pawlus