I'm a sucker for a good dinosaur toy line, for stylized toys, and for failures. Xtractaurs was effectively all three, with Battlespike here showing up at the 99 cents-only store across the street for... well, a buck. Their sign was a lie, the swine. I parted with the extra penny and scampered home with another toy styracosaurus.
The whole deal with these things is that you can connect them to a USB device (sold separately) to fight on the computer. You can also swap parts of the figures, with the head and tail of this figure being easily removable. How easy? When taking it out of the package, his head will fall off. It's just that easy. The limbs are articulated and these figures look a lot like the Jurassic Park: Chaos Effect toys if they weren't "hybrids." The exaggerated features are pretty neat and they make it easier to reuse bodies for multiple species of dinosaur.
This little green guy is neat, but well, I don't do online games. I also don't like electronics in my toys, so what I have here is a fun figure whose head can be ripped off to simulate some real dino-damage. (Take that, 1993 Kenner marketing team.) It's unlikely these will ever be some big deal collector line, but for a dollar or so your kids should enjoy it. It's also a nice desk toy for a rock-bottom price, but at $8 or so you'll probably wish you spent your cash on a normal action figure.
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