Blind Fury and Ancient Jellyfish
They Fight
Gormiti Series 1 2-Pack
Item No.: Unavailable
Manufacturer: Playmates
Includes: 2 figures, 2 cards
Action Feature: b/a
Retail: $5.99
Availability: 2008
Other: ...and bite

More Gormiti! I've been particularly impressed with the "Sea Tribe" figures, so I've been snagging these on clearance as they come up. The Ancient Jellyfish comes with the Blind Fury, and they seem to be based on an octopus/jellyfish hybrid and an armadillo, respectively. For those of you just joining us, Gormiti sort of combine Battle Beasts and MUSCLE elements, and are little plastic guys who can fight with a trading card game. The game is included but I'm not bothering to figure it out-- I just like the figures.
The reason I bought this particular set was because it had two animals, and the Ancient Jellyfish, a weird little female character who sticks her arms in your head and kills you. The cards for these things are pretty ghoulish, the vast majority of them have to do with reminding you that each one of these creatures would like to kill you in your sleep. The coloring matches other Series 1 and 2 Sea Tribe figures, with dark blue, light blue, and a molded blue all coming together to remind you these are water beings. There are no points of articulation, but the coiled tentacle arms are loaded with detail and little suction cups. (They don't work, of course.) She has little blue eyes and her body is covered with arms, she even has a "tail" on the back. It's not a bad figure, although I do find myself wishing for arm articulation. A clear variant exists with some blue markings too.
The Blind Fury is a redeco of the normal Earth Tribe version, except here it's black with light green. It looks like it should glow-in-the-dark, and the marketing materials for series 2 indicate those figures might. This one doesn't. The spiny little guy is covered in green and has outstretched arms, ideal for almost-hiding underground. (The green would give him away.) Both figures are unusually wide for the line, and this little guy has big claws as well as a tail. It feels like he really should be able to glow-in-the-dark though, so using this color and NOT having that feature is actually a bit of a downer.
It's a nice set and well worth what I paid for it-- under $2. You won't find these in most stores now-- Toys R Us is dumping what's left, and I haven't seen them anywhere else in a while. There are additional series being sold overseas, more recently, but it seems like they are not going to hit the US. So if you like these and want to go crazy investing in something kids will overpay for in 20 years... go after some of those European releases. Some of them are even jointed!
--Adam Pawlus
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