Mantra the Implacable and Clear The Severe Guardian
They Fight
Gormiti Series 1 2-Pack
Item No.: Unavailable
Manufacturer: Playmates
Includes: 2 figures, 2 cards
Action Feature: b/a
Retail: $5.99
Availability: 2008
Other: ...and bite

Still more Gormiti! The Clear The Severe Guardian comes with the painted version of Mantra the Implacable, and being a sucker for aquatic animal humanoid figures, I got this one. The moth dude was nice, but I'm here for the eel guy. The figures are the usual small size, come with a trading card, and Mantra is a she-- which seems to be the norm for some of these guys. It's an interesting narrative choice to make it a "she" on the trading card, particularly because it doesn't have boobs, and boobs are the universal symbol of femininity on a toy (see: Titan AE).
Not being one to waste a stupid name, Playmates used The Severe Guardian for 2 different versions of this moth-inspired beastie. The standard release is blue and yellow, while this one-- arguably the variant-- has crystal-clear wings, some blue, and a little purple bringing it to life. The clear is unusually clear-- I've seen a lot of clear toys in my day, and rarely does anything look this sharp. The arms are also clear, with a purple border/veiny thing along the top which does wonders in bringing out the detail, and really did make photographing this guy a breeze.
There's some furry detail on his head, and since he's cast in clear you can have some fun screwing around with him and a flashlight. The bottom of his feet are unpainted, so feel free to shine a light up his foot to see some bizarre detail come to pass on the sculpt. As always for this line, at least in the USA, there's no articulation.
The other side of the package brings you Mantra the Implacable, a blue eel-like creature with a dark blue torso, light blue fins, and teal eyes. The level of detail on this guy is impressive, lots of little notches on the funs and claws on the feet are well-designed, with a lot of muscle on her limbs. "Her." Suuure.
Another cheapo discount set, this one sat at Toys R Us past its prime and may even still be available. If you can get it, you may as well-- for two bucks it's a fun pair of non-articulated toy figures.
--Adam Pawlus
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