He-Man Head
Yes, it's just a head
Glyos-Compatible Figure Accessory
Item No.: n/a
Manufacturer: 1SHOT Toys
Includes: n/a
Action Feature: n/a
Retail: $8.00
Availability: August 2011
Other: Color change from red to yellow, yellow when hot, red when cold

I rarely get to say this, but here's something you've probably never seen and will never see again. One of the really cool things about the Glyos system is that it opens the world of customizing up to new and weird places. For example, this He-Man Head is not a Mattel product, but something a dude named Eric cranked out for fun and made four of. As in, literally four-- he made a similarly tiny run of blue "Faker" heads as well. Given the labor and materials, the eight bucks for a resin color-changing head is about right.
It comes to you in a plain plastic bag. Scaled perfectly for a 3 3/4-inch figure, you could pop it on the body of an Outer Sapce Men figure or any Glyos figure. I of course ran to get my Inferno figures and my red Gendrome Buildman, and (in red) it looks great on both. I didn't have any opaque yellow figures, but it basically works as is. There are tiny imperfections, but what do you expect? It's a nifty homemade special edition with some sharp edges and it's the kind of thing to make you mad that Mattel hasn't made their very own 3 3/4-inch Masters of the Universe line with Glyos bits.
What's particularly neat about this accessory is that it changes color from red to yellow. I've seen a lot of red to clear, or glow-in-the-dark, but to see such a dramatic change from one color to another is unusual in action figure parts. I know customizers and do-it-youselfers use stuff like Solar Color Dust and I'm not seeing a whole bunch of that from Hasbro or Mattel just yet. (Could you imagine MUSCLE men made out of this stuff? That'd be amazing.)
It's an art piece or a display piece and not really a proper toy due to the materials used. (I know you're supposed to head up the Glyos body to get a resin peg in there, but I filed down the peg a bit and it basically worked out just fine for me.) It's extremely cool and one of those things where I feel a tinge of sadness that I can't buy Masters of the Universe or other Glyos heads in a gumball machine for a buck a whack. I mean, how cool would that be? Or just make them as "Micro-Busts" and make it so the neck is articulated and the head pops off? How friggin' sweet would that be? But I digress. This sort of thing is a fantastic proof-of-concept showing the kind of thing you could do with Glyos if you (and by you, I mean the major toy manufacturers) really wanted to.
This is a neat piece-- if you want it or something like it, you can always check 1SHOT Toys or your favorite local expert in molding plastic parts. (Which isn't me. I consider this sort of thing like magic still, and my day job has to do with buying, selling, and consulting on the production of small plastic men.) This piece is one of those weird little things I'm going to treasure for years to come... or until 1SHOT Toys remakes it out of PVC or something softer, then I'll treasure that.
--Adam Pawlus
Additional Images

See more homebrew and hand-molded toys and figures in Figure of the Day:
Day 68: Sucklord Glyos-Compatible Sucklord Grey Helmet Head
Day 255: 1SHOT Toys Glyos-Compatible He-Man Thermal Color Change Head
Day 512: The GodBeast Customs Glyos Dark Purple Crab Head Glyos Accessory
Day 532: The GodBeast Customs Glyos Green CyberGator Head Glyos Accessory
Day 555: The GodBeast Customs Glyos Green Glyos-Compatible Skull Head Glyos Accessory
Day 600: Seth Longmire Custom Glyos Glyan Squad Verihex Action Figure
Day 657: The GodBeast Customs Glyos Grey CyberRhino Head Glyos Accessory
Day 700: Elly Font Art Elephant Magnets Overview
Day 889: TheGodBeast Customs Glyos Red Sharkorvor Head Glyos Accessory
Day 1,597: The Octavirate Forge Shapeways Botcon Laser Rod Electrons/Electro 4.5mm Sword
Day 1,601: The Octavirate Forge Shapeways NES Inspired Zapper Gun 5mm Grip
Click here to see more Glyos Compatible figures in Figure of the Day.
Click here to see more Masters of the Universe figures in Figure of the Day.