Mattel DC Universe vs. Masters of the Universe Classics Metallic Green Lantern Mattel, 2011
Day #329: February 7, 2012
Green Lantern Cosmic Crusader
DC Universe vs. Masters of the Universe Classics Toys R Us Exclusive 2-Pack
Item No.: No. T8024 Manufacturer:Mattel Includes:Gun construct, poster, Zodac figure Action Feature:n/a Retail:$29.99 Availability:July 2011 Other: Metallic, was shipped to Comic-Con in San Diego by accident in 2011
I've picked up a number of Green Lantern toys, but I really did hold off getting Hal Jordan in Mattel's DC Universe line because I assumed they would make several and I'd get one in a multi-pack some day. And I was right! In late 2011, Toys R Us marked down their He-Man/DC 2-packs to $15 for just one day and I ran out to finally get this on after waffling for weeks. I had neither Zodac nor Hal Jordan, and I wanted both.
Was your gun construct bent? Mine was. This is easily fixed-- the barrel of the gun was bent about a solid 30 degrees off, and at first glance this looks awful. It is, however, easily fixed-- just microwave a small cup or bowl of water, to the point of boiling, and drop this inside. It takes about 15-20 seconds, but the plastic will get softer and you can bend it back to its proper shape. I've done this with numerous figures and accessories (and Zodac's right hand), but this one was actually significantly more stubborn than other toys. We now bring you back to your regularly scheduled toy review.
The figure pairing is environmental, like most of the other 2-packs. This time, you get two guys associated with being some quasi-space cosmic sort of thing, and the 6 1/2-inch tall Hal Jordan has a great spacey background on the packaging. The figure now has a strong metallic deco, and I'm sorry to say I am not familiar enough with all the variations on Hal Jordan's suit to know if this particular one-- other than being meetallic-- is specific to a certain time period or storyline.
While it's a tight fit, the clear green gun plugs onto his arm (specifically, his ring hand) and looks like it's coming right out of it. Except, you know, the clip part. It's a nicely detailed weapon and if you're willing to futz with it a bit, it looks great. I'm not a huge fan of guns for my superheroes, but I guess since Zodac also includes a gun it's a fitting accessory. The actual lantern would probably be more fitting for display purposes, but this is fun too. Since this set was sold at retail at a major toy store, it's probably more sensible to make something kids might play with rather than what collectors would ask for here.
Like most DC Universe figures, the Green Lantern shares pretty much the same body as the bulk of the other toys. He has a unique head sculpt and a right hand with the ring, but other than that? Most of the detail is just color, it's not like he has sculpted gloves or anything. Well, they are sculpted as gloves but they don't have markings sculpted for when the boots or gloves stop and the rest of the outfit begins. I have a few figures from this line, and they rarely disappoint. 21 points of articulation and a top-notch Four Horsemen sculpt go a long way, even if basically every figure is a painted quasi-naked muscle guy. If you're a collector of DCU you'll have no reason to buy this figure, but if you're like me and only own a few, this is worth getting. If you're in the market for both a Zodac and a Green Lantern figure, this is the way to go. I realize most of you aren't, but I am quite pleased with my purchase.
--Adam Pawlus
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