Titan Merchandise Edward Scissorhands The I'm Not Finished Collection Rex Titan Merchandise, 2015
Day #1,622: January 20, 2017
Rex Kudzu
Edward Scissorhands The I'm Not Finished Collection
Item No.: No. ESV-MINI-001 Manufacturer:Titan Merchandise Includes:1 figure in a bag in a box Action Feature:Stands Nicely Retail:$9.99 Availability: 2015 Other:New Form Factor
I get some interesting gifts and samples, like this Rex which showed up in a bag of goodies - and it's really cool! I saw it and thought "Oh man, I hope I get the Vincent Price." I didn't realize there were 16 figures in the collection when I first saw the box, so I was pretty stunned to see Rex - the kudzu plant carving of a Tyrannosaurus Rex!
While most of the figures make use of a single body, Rex just reuses the arms - the remainder of the figure is a single, green, almost leafy piece. It's hollow and a little soft, I'm assuming some sort of rotocast plastic. This makes it nice and light, and strong, and of course cheap.
The figure has zero paint - it's a shrub, after all - and two points of articulation. The little hands are about as useful as a real T-Rex' hands, but it's consistent with the rest of the line in terms of look. Otherwise, this would just be another collectible figure.
Ten or so dollars may seem high for this - given what $10 can get you, it is - but I like it. If you have the opportunity to get this without the blind bag risk, especially below $10, I'd recommend it. It's rare that I was surprised by a figure after I brought it home, but here we are - it's neat, I've got nothing else like it, and I'm gonna keep it on my desk for a good long time.
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