If you are married to a patient person they too will go around with you in the heat to find Scooby-Doo Tiny Mights Minifigures with Case. I woke up a few weeks ago and saw these existed - and then I had to start looking for them immediately. Despite the inventory tracker on Walmart.com insisting they were in stock, most stores didn't have any out yet - but they were on the checklanes, which means a bunch of people are going to think you're staring at their feet or butts as you track down these curiously packaged toy figures. Why make M.U.S.C.L.E.-style figures for a cartoon from the 1960s in 2023? No idea - the packaging looks like a pillbox or dental floss, so these are going to get overlooked. But not by you - you know what to look for.
There are 12 figures that come in at least eight colors. I'm still looking. But they did make Shaggy, Scooby, Captain Cutler, Green Ghost, Miner 49er, Space Kook, Creeper, and others in a font so small on the packaging I defy anyone to read it. It's the smallest printing that I may have ever seen on a toy - it's just a plastic band over a two-piece clear blue Mystery Machine case. It's efficient, and adjusted for inflation they are priced similarly to 1980s toys of a similar bent.
I got Space Kook in flesh, which matches M.U.S.C.L.E., Scooby-Doo in pale yellow - which seems paler than Mattel's yellow in the 1980s, and the Ghost Clown in a clear green with glitter that, I assume, is a nod to something I don't recognize.
The figures are pretty much the same size as M.U.S.C.L.E. (or S.U.C.K.L.E. if you swing that way) figures, standing about 1 3/4-inches tall. Sculpting is good - it's not over-detailed, although the Space Kook has some decent texture on his skull. Scooby has his collar and his eyes are unusual in that they seem to be popping out a bit. The Ghost Clown lacks the coin of gold, but seems posed as if he has one handy. The detail is really great, but the clear green and glitter plastic make it really hard to make out all the details. Held up at the right angle, you can see a big nose, buttons, billowy pants, individual fingers, and that a lot of work went into it.
They don't do anything specific, but they do look amazing and I'll probably dig through trays of these while trying to get a set of fleshtone figures... and maybe sell off some of the extras. It's kind of a shame these are a checklane-only item and possibly exclusive to Walmart, but hey, the bright side is that they won't be too hard to get once they start hitting the stoers. I can't imagine there are a lot of people dying to get more of this style of figure, but between the DC guys at Wendy's and these? Maybe there will be another brief surge in popularity like we saw roughly 10 years ago. I'd recommend picking up a set, regardless of if you think it's a good idea, because they're cheap and worth it. And you can send me your flesh or glow guys. It's fascinating to see something aimed at what I can only imagine is an imaginary audience or something that may exist solely to please a store's toy buyer.
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