Transformers Generations! Boy howdy do I love Titans Return. While the Headmasters revamp has been going strong since last year, there's no end in sight. Many of the new items have been rumored for weeks or months, but the confirmations, a few tweaks, and the first visibility on new dudes like Seaspray and what appears to be a surprising straight-up reissue of Cosmos (sans his partner) could be exciting for some.
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The panel before the showroom showed off a lot of new goodies. Titan Masters Ramhorn has the Rhinoceros in a new format. The Leader-class toys include Thunderwing and Overlord, maybe. Thunderwing appeared only in a download packet, and only as a head - so maybe we got an unintentional preview. I'm tired, it's late, don't judge me.
One of the more interesting new price points were a pair of 5-packs with each a Leader, Voyager, Deluxe, Legends, and Titan Master (with Die-Cast metal parts). These sets appear to be exclusives, although specific retailers were not named. G2 Laser Optimus Prime, Nautica, Tidal Wave, the Japanese Ginrai (Powermaster Optimus Prime) retool, Quickswitch, and others are included which should delight and amuse. Trypticon is huge, but you've seen it and you know you need one. If you don't, know that it eats tiny Titan Masters robots like candy. That sold me pretty quickly.
A big surprise was a new Windblade with the deluxe Titan Masters gimmick. It looks great, and it seems like it was pretty soon given we've had a pretty good run on Windblades lately. Take a look at these galleries for more - even more are in the official picture dumps! I'd write more, but it's late and I'm on deadline.
--Adam Pawlus