Telltale Games
$10 (800 MS points)
This review looks at an additional episode in an ongoing series. Please read The Fright of the Bumblebees for a look at control, graphics, and elements common to the entire series.
And the rain rain rain came down down down...
When the weather ruins his plans for a vacation, Wallace decides to turn 62 West Wallaby into a resort, complete with a beach in the cellar. He is first tasked with getting the requisite materials - sun, sand, umbrella - then he is ready for business! Unfortunately, his neighbors are incredibly sensitive and disagreeable people and must be placated, lest they demand their money back. This is followed by a "murder" mystery where Gromit must search the house for clues after Wallace's invention, the Deduct-o-matic, fails.
Achievements and Puzzles
Achievement perfectionists will want to look at the list before playing the game, as the opportunity to unlock some of them disappear at the end of each chapter. The puzzles in this episode, while challenging, are relatively simple to figure out. It's basically a matter of trial and error - present the wrong item to a character or object, repeat, find the right one, continue! However, in the end, all puzzles ultimately make sense and don't necessarily lead one to yell at the TV with an exasperated "What do you WANT from me?" (I'm looking squarely at you, episode 4.) Perhaps the only negative aspect of this game is one that is present in the entire series - an action sequence where you have to unlock a puzzle while in motion. It is very tempting to cheat your way out of this one due to dizziness. The reviewer did not, but she wanted to very, very badly.
The Last Resort is a character bonanza, bringing in the entire cast from the previous episode and introducing Scottish bully Duncan McBiscuit. Felicity Flitt also brings her tiny doggies, Poodgie-Woo and Tinkie-Wee. Yes, they are just as unpleasant as their master.
Is it worth buying?
The second adventure in the series is by far the most enjoyable. Perhaps it was just a matter of luck, but it seemed easier to progress in the story without becoming stuck for too long. If you only plan to spend money on one, The Last Resort is the one to get.
--Erin Pawlus
December 9, 2009
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