Playmobil Specials Cave Man Action Figure Playmobil, 2001
Day #132: April 15, 2011
Cave Man Pre-Pre-Stone Age
Playmobil Specials
Item No.: No. 4592 Manufacturer:Playmobil Includes:Club, bird staff Action Feature:n/a Retail:$1.99-$2.99 Availability: 2001 Other: A full Stone Age line is coming to Germany in Fall 2011
One of the unfortunate things about the Playmobil Specials range is that we got figures that promised bigger, better themes to come later. The Viking begat an entire Vikings line, yet the Caveman didn't amount to squat-- no stone age people or animals would come for years. Heck, at press time, they're not even out in German yet-- but a mammoth, sabre tooth tigers, and other ancient mammals are indeed coming. For years, we only had this one figure promising awesome prehistoric stuff to follow. And how is he?
Pretty good. The usual peachy skin color was replaced by a redder, more tanned hide complete with tribal markings. (Not being an expert on mankind's prehistory, I have no idea what significance they have.) Much like Fred Flintstone, he wears a tanned hide. Unlike Flintstone, he has a painted necklace, a removable sculpted necklace, and furry bracelets and anklets for some reason. A club is good at getting his point across, while the staff seems like it should go to the Cave Man shaman or something. With this figure, I can safely say I'm not quite sure what he's supposed to do with it.
While most Playmobil figures have sculpted footwear or feet, this one doesn't-- he just makes use of the original 1974 foot mold, which is formless enough to be interpreted as shoes, feet, or whatever your imagination requires. It's possible these were meant to be crude boots, although it isn't immediately obvious if this is the case.
So should you get it? I'd say maybe-- he doesn't quite fit in with the look and feel of the upcoming Stone Age line, with their multitude of tribes, ornate shoes, and enhanced decorations. This guy is old in more ways than one, so I'd say he's a wonderful figure for collectors to pick up, or for those just seeking a single, normal, fun Cave Man toy. Loose samples are worth about $3, while packaged ones should be $10 or less. is best not viewed in Apple's Safari browser, we don't know why. All material on this site copyright their respective copyright holders. All materials appear hear for informative and entertainment purposes. is not to be held responsible for anything, ever. Photos taken by the staff. Site design, graphics, writing, and whatnot credited on the credits page. Be cool-- don't steal. We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.
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