Cerulestar Nemesis The First Mass-Release Blue Glow Glyos Figures
TheGodBeast Glyos Action Figures
Item No.: n/a Manufacturer:TheGodBeast Includes:Figure, alternate head, claw, 2 switch pins Action Feature:Pops apart because Glyos, glows blue in the dark Retail:$20.00 Availability: June 28, 2019 Other: Sold out in minutes
I snagged the blue glow-in-the-dark Cerulestar Nemesis from TheGodBeast and it was the very first officially released blue glow Glyos-compatible action figure, along with Kabuto Mushi. I had not previously snagged a Nemesis (I still want to get green glow) - so this seemed like a good place to get one. The translucent coloring has blue and white painted highlights that are very nouveau Boo Berry, which is amusing as Marty's "Cereal Monster" colored figures look a bit different than this one.
Unlike other Glyos figures, Nemesis comes in parts - you'll need to plug in the hands, feet, and lower torso. You have two different heads included, both of which are joys for different reasons. The default noggin is an insectoid with multiple eyes and articulated horns, and it can be swapped out for a long-necked mantis-like alien with painted-on segmented eyes and antenna. That mantis head works amazingly well on Armorvors and other Glyos-compatible figures, so obviously you are glad you have one or will be happy to get one when the chance comes up.
There are more pointy bits and claws on this guy than usual, and the sculpting fits right in with The Godbeast's previous release, which also puts it in perfectly with Onell Design's stuff. There are lots of sculpted details, and depending which ones you paint you can get a drastically different personalty. On top of that, you have optional stingers, removable or pivoting horns, articulated claw hands, and huge bird-like claw feet. It's a gem with lots of options to enjoy, once I figured out which way the feet needed to go to work best.
This is not a new mold, and the reason you're excited is the glow in the dark blue plastic. It's special - it doesn't charge as quickly as the green, but if you charge it with the sun or a UV/blacklight it can last hours longer than the green. It's ridiculous how long it glows, even if it is a bit dim at the end I did not expect it to still be glowing when I checked on it after waking up the next morning. Overnight glow? Ridiculous. But here we are.
The glow is no slouch - you can see the shine in the dark, and if it's charged enough you can even read by it for a while. I'm sure it'll give you eye strain, but the fact you can actually see with it rather than just have a nice blue glowing bug in a dark room is astonishing. I recommend getting a cheap UV LED flashlight for optimal charging of all your glow toys, because it's some serious next-level goofy fun here.
If it didn't sell out, I'd say buy it. If they ever do a Cereulestar 2.0, be sure you buy it. It glows well, it looks cool, and since barely any blue glow exists it's pretty essential. Get it if and when you can.
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