The GodBeast Customs Glyos Grey CyberRhino Head Glyos Accessory The GodBeast Customs, 2013
Day #657: May 10, 2013
CyberRhino Head Sculpt by Jason Frailey, Molded by The GodBeast Customs
The GodBeast Customs Special Order Part
Item No.: n/a Manufacturer:The GodBeast Customs Includes:head Action Feature:n/a Retail:$15 Availability: April 2013 Other: Awesome
I don't know the exact name of the cybernetic Battle Beasts-esque Rhinoceros head as the package didn't have one, so I'm calling it a CyberRhino head here. As with other releases in this hand-made series, the head was sculpted by Jason Frailey (the guy who sculpted the Armorvor) and was molded by the GodBeast, debuting at C2E2 last month. Most of his heads debut online and are ordered through the October Toys forums, cast in resin so you'll need to be careful with them. Sadly these heads have yet to be cast in PVC, the kind of plastic used for most Glyos figures. If I could, I'd love to invest in getting these cranked out on a larger scale just so I could have more of them.
This Rhino came to me as you see it in the pictures, molded in grey and unpainted. Since I have no real skills I'll likely never paint it, but it's pretty gorgeous. The grey resin picks up a lot of detail, with the teeth popping nicely and the skin being a perfect match. The horns are pointy and clearly not meant for kids to play with, The collar around the neck meshes with an Armorvor body nicely, but it'll also fit on other Glyos-compatible figure bodies. The eyes look like a modern update of old Battle Beasts, and a scar on the left side of the mouth presents a modern touch of a very 1980s armored animal concept. If this was a mass-produced toy, I'd buy them in every possible color. As it is, at $15 a head, it's a nice art piece I dare not play with too much out of fear of breaking it. It's just so dang beautiful.
If you already picked up the CyberGator, this is a good follow-up for you. There's a swell Octopus, Bat, and a crazy-awesome Gorilla (two of the three I very much still need to pick up) and for those of you with a little extra cash or customizing chops, you should totally go buy one or two of these. Especially if you have the skills to paint it.
If Mr. Frailey and Mr. The Godbeast are reading, I'd go bonkers if they ever did an Elephant or Woolly Mammoth in this style. That would be awesome. (I'd be happy to contribute my crappy design sketches. But I'd go positively bananas if it were done in PVC.) is best not viewed in Apple's Safari browser, we don't know why. All material on this site copyright their respective copyright holders. All materials appear hear for informative and entertainment purposes. is not to be held responsible for anything, ever. Photos taken by the staff. Site design, graphics, writing, and whatnot credited on the credits page. Be cool-- don't steal. We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.
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