Fisher-Price Imaginext Series 11 Collectible Figures X-Ray Man & Dog Fisher-Price, 2018
Day #2,014: August 16, 2018
X-Ray Man & Dog Return of Adventure People
Imaginext Series 11 Blind-Bagged Collectible Figures
Item No.: Asst. FMW53 No. FMW54 Manufacturer:Fisher-Price Includes:Figure, robot dog Action Feature:n/a Retail:$2.99 Availability: June 2018 Other: Look for #54 on upper-left of the foil packet on the back
I love the original Adventure People figures, and the one that inspired this X-Ray Man & Dog resulted in a ton of custom figures, bootleg figures, and indie figures - including the gorgeous Glyos Rayexx [FOTD #1,655]. There's even a gorgeousBoba Fett which is one of the best things you'll ever see. It's a design that's iconic among toy collectors of a certain age, as the original was released nearly four decades ago and the kids that had it are parents now. It's only reasonable to see Fisher-Price dump a new version in its current 3-inch figure line, which also includes tributes to Mattel's M.U.S.C.L.E. and more strangely, Hasbro's Battle Beasts.
The 3-inch figure is seemingly a new sculpt - that's something the original figure didn't exactly get, the original one was just a modified "Male Swimmer" figure from the sea explorer set. As far as I know, there's no Imaginext Swimmer from which to retool this particular figure - but some design elements from the original remain. The belt is still here. The watch is gone, though, plus the figure's overall vibe was updated a bit. The hair is different, and the colors are inspired bt the original but aren't an exact match. The chest tampograph is pretty close, but some geometric shapes were made to the abdominal region.
The color is darker and bluer than the original, but like the classic release it's basically the inverse of a white human male - hit it with "difference" in Photoshop, and it'll look like a more or less naked guy. It actually looks pretty cool and kind of creepy - it's a good design. The figure has limited deco, but sports articulated shoulders, wrists, hips, and neck.
The figure was originally just a lone man, but this time around Fisher-Price gave him a matching cybernetic dog. It's worth noting that the dog previously appeared as a "Robot Cop" sidekick figure in series 8, it's just unpainted here. It's actually a pretty good tribute to the original Adventure People. The figure and his pooch are both more angular, with his clear blue puppy having the same yellow dot eyes and various metal limbs and sculpted screws. It's just a slug figure, and it's a fascinating addition to the toy line. Like the originals, there are no known storylines to go with these figures so you can just have them visit your space playset or Batcave.
I was elated to see the Alpha Star astronaut and his alien friend - this was the second figure from Adventure People I would have most wanted to see. (I'd also like to see a new "space camper" Alpha Star.) I hope they keep these coming in each new series - even the news reporters, divers, and other normal human figures would be great selections in this line. For $3 this is a no-brainer - it's the perfect figure to hang out with your modern Galactic Heroes, Glyos, and other 3-inch action figures. It's a sci-fi classic figure updated for modern kids who will have no idea why it's so cool, so go ahead and buy yourself one too. At leas you'll know why he's awesome.
--Adam Pawlus
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