They actually don't make 'em like this anymore. I wanted an X-Ray Woman for years, and every one always had an issue - the hair was scraped, the white on the chest was damaged, or it was just too expensive. I finally bought one on the card and opened her - and she still had a couple of dings on the chest and the yellow/gold buckles were just plain not there. The figure was a bit sticky too - so maybe the gold just molted off with time. Other than that, this is an amazing little figure.
This figure is stunning. Most clear figures have visible posts and slots in the torso, this one is just clear - you can see right through her. (Maybe that's why some of these break.) Her greenish coloring with light blue hair seems ridiculous, but it's sensible. If you run the invert/difference tool over her in a graphics application, the green turns to pink and the blue turns to blonde. She's just an inverted person! At 3 1/2-inches tall she isn't huge, and there's not much detail other than what you see painted. You have yellow eyes, blue hair, and the chest tampo - and that's it. She's simple, and you can see why this was dirt cheap 40 years ago. I assume a new release of a figure like this could also be done for $3-$4, as she's basically on par with Imaginext figures but with no accessories and less articulation.
Like many of the figures - especially the space figures - this is not an original sculpt. The torso is resculpted from a diver in two different sets - one was the Sea Explorer boat, the other was the SCUBA Divers pack. The X-Ray Woman uses the same head, arms, and legs with a new chest that has a flat surface for robotic painted details. It's all very silly, but incredibly clever and the kind of thing that strikes a chord with fans of old toys.
I am a little sad mine seems to have the gold buckles missing - that's why I wanted a packaged one - but here we are. She held up incredibly well and I love the tilting head joint. Everything swivels well, and she looks good in old vehicles - and it would be really neat to see more figures like her. They're simple and functional things that look like they could hang out with your Micronauts or Kenner Star Wars toys. If you can get one for a good price, why not treat yourself? It's been fun putting her in a bunch of old Kenner and Fisher-Price vehicles and playsets, and if you have that kind of collection you may be in for a treat. is best not viewed in Apple's Safari browser, we don't know why. All material on this site copyright their respective copyright holders. All materials appear hear for informative and entertainment purposes. is not to be held responsible for anything, ever. Photos taken by the staff. Site design, graphics, writing, and whatnot credited on the credits page. Be cool-- don't steal. We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.
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