Super7 Alien UCCSS Nostromo Action Figure Set 1 Super7, 2018?
Day #2,554: April 27, 2023
Kane with Facehugger, Ripley with Jonesy, Ash with Removable Head Retool 3-Pack
Alien ReAction Figures
Item No.: No. ALIEW03-ACA-02 Manufacturer:Super7 Includes:Kane's helmet, Jonesy the Cat, Ripley's flamethrower, Ash's Motion Detector Action Feature:Ash has a removable head, Kane has a removable helmet Retail:$44.99 Availability: 2018? Other: One of many ReAction Alien sets
I originally skipped the new and improved set with Kane with Facehugger, Ripley with Jonesy, Ash with Removable Head. It was $25 on Amazon, and looking at my Funko releases of Ripley and Ash, the eyes never really seemed straight - so I tried this. The original releases of these figures were in the colors of the Kenner prototypes from 1979, but this (no longer) new 3-pack tried to get all the costume colors closer to the movie... but the colors are more saturated like the 1979 Kenner Star Wars figures.
I'm on a bit of a ReAction Figures kick, in part because a lot of good figures are, for some reason, really cheap as I write this. This set largely improves on the manufacturing of the original Funko releases, so if you're a fiend for Kenner toys this might be the best version to get to open. I prefer the blue-carded Funko ones as mint-on-card things. If I was smarter I wouldn't be buying better versions of figures I own, but I'd rather have these than high-end collectibles.
Kane has been made a few times. All three of these figures are riffs on unmade Kenner designs, and this is one of three "realistic" space suit Kane toys. (Weirdly, the one from the space suit 3-pack that I had had a helmet that... I don't know what happened to it, but check out the pictures below.) The head is a new sculpt with a molded-on Facehugger, and the helmet has a crack in it. The sculpt is incredibly similar to the previous release with new copyright markings - Funko is no longer involved - and a paint job more true to the movie. The funny thing is each version looks good for different reasons, my favorite of which is probably that first Funko release. The Kenner colors looked great, but I really do like how these are all different and interesting.
Kane's right hand was sculpted to hold an accessory that nobody ever saw, and none is included. He has basic Kenner articulation with legs that are too wide to fit in most older toy vehicles. His sculpting is still absolutely killer, with an amazingly well-textured space suit, genuinely nice gloves, and an acceptable head. The rivets and breathing gear all look phenomenal, but the sculpting was good before this release. I wouldn't say it's a necessary upgrade, but if you don't have the other ones? This is a good one.
The 3 3/4-inch scale Ripley with Jonesy is also basically the Funko mold with new copyrights. I can point to a lot of improvements here - her skin is now molded in color, so it's not the thick, powdery fleshy paint. The eyes and eyebrows look a little more lively this time. Her suit is green instead of blue - a little saturated compared to the movie, but arguably better than the blue suit of the original. What really struck me is that her flamethrower is now molded in blue rather than painted, and even though it's not that "Kenner blue" it still looks great. She has shoulder patches painted on her arms and nice white sneakers. I really believe this is closer to what Kenner would have released had the figure seen production in 1979.
Jonesy looks almost too good for 1979, but I don't have a lot of Kenner sidekick creatures from that era to point to - the Marion Ravenwood Monkey or Salacious Crumb would be the best analogs. The cat is a little too good with a small tail and tiny kitty legs, a splash of brown on the back and a couple of colors of paint on the eyes. There's also a tiny pink nose. It's a cute kitty, but the eyes are a little too narrow and odd to feel like a genuine old Kenner product.
Rounding out the set is Ash - which Funko got right the first time. The blue outfit is more or less the same, but the Super7 release is covered in blood. The white splashes may look like something else, and something Disney probably won't license now that they own the movie series, but Ash does have a milky fluid in his veins. The head pops off of this release, and he too has his head and hands molded in flesh color - and is the better for it. I wouldn't necessarily say he's worth the upgrade, but the ability to pop off his head is a lot of fun. I think I'd like it more without the white stuff, but it wouldn't look very different had they left it off. One thing they changed - the Funko Ash had two patches, one on each arm. Super7's release leaves the right arm patch unpainted. They should have left it on.
When picking up my Funko releases, some seemed a little more fragile, with scuffed paint on the hands despite my almost never touching them. Some of the seams seemed to be popping apart a bit - and I wanted to play around with them, which is why I got this Set 1nd will probably buy the other two shortly. The quality is better, they look better, the deco is better... they're just all-around better products. Imperfect, sure, but better than the last ones. If I were Super7 I probably wouldn't get the Alien license again to make more of these - what we have is really good - so if you're a fan, get them while they're still cheap. Or keep waiting until Generation X ages out of caring about fake nostalgia toys and maybe they'll be even cheaper, I don't know how the market will ultimately shake out. is best not viewed in Apple's Safari browser, we don't know why. All material on this site copyright their respective copyright holders. All materials appear hear for informative and entertainment purposes. is not to be held responsible for anything, ever. Photos taken by the staff. Site design, graphics, writing, and whatnot credited on the credits page. Be cool-- don't steal. We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.
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