Catwoman Review Capsule |
While DC Pocket Super Heroes have been around for a while, they haven't been free, like this Catwoman was at Toy Fair in New York City. After doing some research, we're really not quite sure if this was a show exclusive, or if only the packaging was exclusive to the show. Either way, it's a woman in a skin-tight purple uniform with a mannish face and no accessories. For free, it's awesome, otherwise you'll be having to make the call. |
Villains usually take the back seat in any case of Batman-themed toys, so merchandise based on the other characters is quite often greeted with open arms. There might be one villain in a case of 16 figures, with the other 15 being Bats. So a figure like Catwoman, while not perfect, is quite welcome.
While a brick-style figure, she still has an original head and even a tail so she's distinctive in her own right.
Jointed at only six places, she's not exactly a technological toy marvel. But she did turn out as a great figure in this style, and as such, is worth taking a look at.
While fans of the classic anime will enjoy this, I've never seen it, so I can't exactly go on about it. The toy, however, is well done enough so that any person with the ability to spot a good toy should enjoy it.
The figure has articulation that's superior to the bulk of Kenner's Batman offerings from 1990-2003, and at the same time, equivalent to Star Wars circa 1995. She can be moved at the neck, shoulders, waist, and hips, which isn't bad considering the style of the figure. Some additional articulation could have been placed in a few other places that wouldn't hinder the sculpt, but as it is it might be too much. The final product is quite good.
Overall, the figure's sculpt is on the flat side. Basically, it's a fairly muscular little man without a lot of texture except on the lower waist piece, better known to you and me as the crotch. The new belt was added in, as was a tab to connect a holster for one of his weapons. You might also notice a bracelet on his wrist, which is removable and gives the figure a slightly more distinctive look.
Aside from the definition-free face, the sculpt of her head isn't bad at all. The ears and hair have a fair amount of work done to them, as do the ears. Her face is painted on, though, and the mouth and chin don't exactly reek of the fair sex. With sculpt of the body and the rest of the head, it's obvious who this is supposed to be, but as Catwoman toys go there have been better faces.
Accessories & Gimmicks
Zero. What you see is what you get, no stands, backdrops, or whips.
As a promotional figure, there really isn't much to it. There's the traditional plastic bag... and a header card. No graphics to speak of, just a purple header card that matches the figure nicely.
It's adequate packaging, but by no means worth hanging on to if you're going to keep this figure. Unless you have two of this figure, in which case there's no reason to crack it open.
For what she is, she ain't bad. A nice small figure, about four inches tall, and unlike other figures she's actually capable if sitting down.
Reviewed and photographed by Adam Pawlus
Sample obtained from DC Direct at Toy Fair in New York in February, 2004
Reviewed on March 23, 2004.