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New York's American International Toy Fair February 27, 2025

Back to New York! After the industry skipped 2024, and I got super food poisoned in 2023, and we all skipped 2021-2022 because of COVID, we're back to normal! We hope. I mean, you're watching the news.

Set-up is a process in which the sets are put up. I got to say hit to a few industry pals, and as I write this I'm sitting on a couch from my booth. Want a useless sneak peak?

Images - More Toy Fair 2025 Coverage and Pictures Below
Toy Fair 2025 - Setup Toy Fair 2025 - Setup

Like I said, I can't show anything yet because it's not mine to share. I had a few nice conversations and saw a few things I'll probably photgraph in the next couple of days. There are empty glass cases, piles of cargo debris, and tired workers among the many new toys. Most of the booths are more empty than anything else, which should mean Friday will be very exciting for them. Everything isn't exactly where we left off, but it's pretty close. I'm sad that Playmobil won't be here, but you can see Funko, Super7, Mighty Jaxx, Culturefly, and others. I can see Royal Bobbles to my left right now, and they have a lot of bobble heads. Or they will, right now it's one of the soon-to-be-set displays.

I got to manhandle Micronauts ReAction+ Baron Karza and Biotron packaged samples, and see some stuff from upcoming reveals here and there. I got to play with some Nanoblocks, move some wooden pallets, set up hundreds of toys, and see a bodega with a logo that borrows from One Piece. This is probably our future in the rest of America. A few elections ago, we had anime sushi ads mixed in with signs from the candidates for a couple of months. But I digress. Those M.A.S.K. figures with the added articulation sure look interesting don't they?

It's shaping up to be an interesting year, and I mean that with all of the possible ways. With any luck you'll have a better view at home than I will on the floor, and hopefully the next big thing could be quite literally around the corner.

I have a press breakfast and a meeting set for Friday and the real show begins Saturday.

--Adam Pawlus


 Javits Before Opening

The Loyal Subjects
 Carmen Sandiego
 My Buddy
 My Pet Monster
 Rainow Brite
 Strawberry Shortcake

March 1

 Barbie Play-Doh

 Yo Monsta

 Hot Wheels Racerverse
 Masters of the Universe


The Woobles
 The Woobles

March 2

 G.I. Joe
 Star Wars
 Transformers Age of the Primes and Studio Series
 Transformers Cyberworld


 The Whole Thing

Wilder Toys
 Console Heroes is best not viewed in Apple's Safari browser, we don't know why. All material on this site copyright their respective copyright holders. All materials appear hear for informative and entertainment purposes. is not to be held responsible for anything, ever. Photos taken by the staff. Site design, graphics, writing, and whatnot credited on the credits page. Be cool-- don't steal.
We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.