Part of the charm with Glyos is that it covers a lot of fannish bases, from little cartoons to minigames to customizable, construction pieces. The Task Force Volkriun Core Block is, on the surface, just a recolor of a block used to make other, larger creations but it was also shown in one of the animated shorts as a character unto itself, a snotty computer interacting with Glyans and other beings from the edge of space.
Sadly, it cannot actually talk, nor is it heavy enough to really work as a paperweight. So think of it as an amusing accessory or a start to a custom project.
Like other vinyl offerings, you can swap parts with the Rig or Armodoc, resulting in a variety of fun creations. The block also has places designed with cuttable holes, so you can pop in arms or guns from other Onell vinyl releases. I can't bring myself to cut into something if I just have one, so for me this versatile building block is going to stay together. Because it needs to.
Calling it a "figure" is something of a misnomer, although fans of the line can justify it as a character with personality in that it had a few lines and could actually "talk" in the Onell Design cartoon.
With only one point of articulation and no face to speak of, this is a great item for customizers. If you aren't already on board with the whole Glyos customizing thing, or the line as a whole, you should probably skip this. Unless you watch the "Passcode" episode featuring it, in which case you'll probably want to get one. (Worked on me! I was planning on passing on these.) It doesn't do a lot as a toy, but it is oddly fun to play with and have hang out with your other Glyos toys. is best not viewed in Apple's Safari browser, we don't know why. All material on this site copyright their respective copyright holders. All materials appear hear for informative and entertainment purposes. is not to be held responsible for anything, ever. Photos taken by the staff. Site design, graphics, writing, and whatnot credited on the credits page. Be cool-- don't steal. We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.
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