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The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC, 2017
Day #1,682: April 14, 2017
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action FigureCosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus
The Man from Neptune

Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Figures
Item No.:
Manufacturer: The Outer Space Men
Includes: Staff
Action Feature: Glows, pops apart
Retail: $20.00?
Availability: April 14, 2017
Other: Brings the total to 8 Astro-Nautiluses, 9 if you count weapon variants


The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action FigureI don't know how many of you know how these reviews work, but to do one every day I have to basically set them up like an assembly line and do them weeks - sometimes months - in advance. This Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus comes out tonight, and getting it shot, reviewed, and up this quickly can be a trouble. (Heck, this intro? Wrote it when the figure was still in the mail.) That's one of the good and bad things about reviewing toys - on one hand, I know what kind of quality to expect from this ongoing line as the actual manifestation rarely disappoints. It also speaks of a certain homogeny that creeps in to even the best indie line - eventually I can tell you what a figure will be before it even arrives. The Astro-Nautilus mold is an awesome, creative design that is one of my favorites. The glow plastic from the Glyos factory is second to none, resulting in some of the brightest glowing figures you can buy today. I haven't even held the figure in my hands yet, and I'm perfectly comfortable telling you that fans of glow and this design are going to want it and should buy it along with whatever other glow figures are in the store that you don't have yet. Scary, eh? Anyway, let's open the bag.

The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action Figure

It's worth noting that I was surprised - the glow is as good as it always was, and the accordion "joints" were painted silver as expected. What was completely unexpected, though, were the painted suction cups under the arms. That's awesome. I hope that if we get more new flavors of Astro-Nautilus that they paint the tentacles like this in the future. The figure is cast in the Glyos Factory's normal high-high-quality and somehow always getting better glow-in-the-dark plastic, so you can be sure it's bright and vibrant when properly charged.

The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action FigureAstro-Nautilus is one of the reasons I went ga-ga over this line in the first place. The original purple bendy alien figure looked so awesome in those old action figure magazines, but this figure was pushing several hundreds of dollars over 20 years ago. I couldn't afford that. Of course, I probably paid that in getting all the variations of the Glyos line since 2010, as there are many of them. Many. Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus uses the same mold as the previous several figures, this time cast in the milky glow plastic. Thanks to the really good sculpt, it actually does a good job showing off some detail. You don't have to squint to make out the ridges and patterns on the toy, and the suction cups were saved from being absorbed by the arms thanks to a gorgeous stripe of silver paint to bring them out. His eyes and chest diamond were also painted, and most surprising of all so were the soles on his boots. With a glow-in-the-dark figure, generally what we get is an unpainted green figure - there's a definite art to adding paint to not block out the action feature, and Gary Schaeffer with Mel Birnkrant seem to be figuring out ways to improve on the glow figure concept. Which, given "bare glow plastic" is the norm, has a lot of potential left in it.

As of today, there are twelve known glowing The Outer Space Men figures - including two different glowing Gamma-X and two different Electron+ figures. The "Cosmic Radiation" edition currently stands at six with four more on the way - I really hope they crank out some more and at least finish the set of the original wave of aliens and hopefully the second "lost" wave. At this point we already have one Metamorpho that glows from 2010, so all we need is Inferno and Xodiac to finish that collection. And it's not like I'd say no to Astrodite, either. But I digress - Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus delivers the goods. Get it and of course get the others were you so inclined.

--Adam Pawlus

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The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astro-Nautilus Action Figure

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Click here to see more Outer Space Men figures in Figure of the Day.

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