Since I saw very few episodes of the Princess of Power cartoon, I didn't have a working knowledge of cartoon-only Horde members that I could expect in Masters of the Universe Classics. In one of the Q&As I read a request for Octavia the Octopus Woman - and I had to look her up and realize that this person was absolutely right. Everybody needs one. Long-time readers know that I get a kick out of animal-based warriors, so this one was pretty much guaranteed a spot in my stash - the fact that it turned out well, and has 8 limbs, was a nice bonus. It's also arguably worth buying for its rich selection of accessories, unlike many other figures you get a ton of gear and enough arms to use them all.
At about 7-inches tall, she's just as tall as any other lady in the line - Adora, She-Ra, Catra, and so forth. She's one of the Filmation figures, but not part of the Filmation sub-set. The green-skinned lady has a fishy face and four tentacles which plug in to her back, making her a legit 8-armed octopus woman instead of a lady with tentacles for arms. Clearly the original character designers can count, which is nice to see. The figure has Horde symbols everywhere - two on each sword, one on each boot, and one across her chest. Truly, this is the Horde's biggest booster.
The swords can fit in her hands, but they also slide over each tentacle perfectly. The suction cups are just thick enough to hold the swords in place, so you can make her into a vicious, well-armed warrior in no time. Each sword has a silver blade, gold Horde symbols, and a black grip as well as the word "CHINA" sculpted on it for some reason. The coolest thing, though, is her Horde crossbow. The sculptors redesigned it to look like one Lord Cthulhu, from the undersea city of R'lyeh. The head ha tentacles on a face, plus a beastly body holding the whole thing together. It's black and purple, and easily one of my favorite accessories in the entire line. With dozens of figures, that's no small feat.
The detail on the arms can be seen as appropriately monstrous, and the main figure is what you'd expect - an existing buck, in green, with a new head and new outfit. She's rather well-endowed for a non-mammal, and the deco on her chest symbol is quite good. You can see more than one shade of red, which means that the Mattel toymakers are less lazy than I would have been. The figure's personality and overall level of detail is great, and on my sample the figure balances well and has nice, tight joints. I just popped her out of the box, plugged in her octopus arms, and she stood up with no fuss. I was genuinely surprised. This is a really good one, so unless you've got a Horde allergy be sure to add her to your figure stash. is best not viewed in Apple's Safari browser, we don't know why. All material on this site copyright their respective copyright holders. All materials appear hear for informative and entertainment purposes. is not to be held responsible for anything, ever. Photos taken by the staff. Site design, graphics, writing, and whatnot credited on the credits page. Be cool-- don't steal. We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.