Supposedly "the wrong color" according to an Onell Design blog post, the red paint on the mostly grey Armorvor Engineer Mimic is not quite what they were shooting for. Rather than destroy it, they sold it, which makes me wonder how many (hopefully none) of their releases were perfectly good but just not perfect. It's kind of scary.
The color is sort of a reverse of the 2012 Venjorun Armorvor, but the grey plastic is almost exactly like the Reydurran Divide wave of May 2013. While normally the figures follow a few patterns - the paint masks are largely unchanged, but on this release Onell mixed things up a bit and the layouts are surprisingly not the same!
The 2 1/2-inch high Armorvor Reydurran Mimic and the Engineer Mimic have slightly different paint layouts than the earlier Armorvor figures. The Engineer Mimic layout is not just a color swap of the Venjorun/Veraxxan/etc., but actually moves around some colors. For the longest time, Onell's Armorvors wouldn't deviate from certain patterns - but this one changes things up a bit. You can see a bit of this in the photo below.
For example, with Venjorun, there's a painted spot behind his Black Core which matches his thighs. On the Mimic, it's the same color as the knees - giving a little more black to the blackest part of the figure. The helmet's stripe on the top has been reversed, making for a slightly different layout. Most people probably won't notice nor will they care. The backpack/gun follows the same layout, and is a great accessory in that it fits into either location as a great accessory.
As stated in previous reviews, this figure was inspired by numerous toy lines including the under-appreciated and generally cheaper than you might expect Battle Beasts. The Armorvor figures have been a sort of a gateway product for other fans to cross over into the Glyos circle, and the parts are swapped with the other figures in this line. The helmet and the red furry head give you a fair amount of variety, especially since the back of the helmet was designed to look something like a dog.
The coloring is great and a nice variation on the very first Armorvor from July 2012. Get it if you can - but if you can't, just get the next Armorvor. is best not viewed in Apple's Safari browser, we don't know why. All material on this site copyright their respective copyright holders. All materials appear hear for informative and entertainment purposes. is not to be held responsible for anything, ever. Photos taken by the staff. Site design, graphics, writing, and whatnot credited on the credits page. Be cool-- don't steal. We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.