Glyos Action Figures
Item No.: n/a Manufacturer:Onell Design Includes: Second "hidden" head Action Feature:Multiple swell configurations Retail:$8.00 Availability: September 2013 Other: First Clear Gobon in Several Years
The Mordireus Gobon is very similar in color to a couple of figures sold late in 2012, and the color proved popular enough to bring back for this figure, a matching Noboto, and even the 481 Universe Outlander figure. Could Callgrim be far behind? Or Mordles? I hope not. There haven't been many clear Gobon figures since I got into Glyos, and this is the first one I was able to get. I'm happy I did, because the clear plastic allows the figure to amp up its design with an added extra eye in the body - it gives the figure a uniquely different feel without adding significantly to the work involved.
Many recent Gobon figures had small dots for eyes, this one has a white dot surrounded by a dark black outline which does wonders in making the eye both pop out when on the top of the body, or inside the clear body.
The second head's mouth was left undecorated, unfortunately, but the eye is clearly visible in any configuration thanks to the deco. It gives him a more manic personality, which is helpful as the figure's body type looks a little plain when not given paint. I hope future releases have the outline, it helps.
As always, the figure's body can be flipped and the head can be swapped around. The main small head has two eyes on the front and a boxy optic on the other side derived from The Black Hole Maximilian. Inside, the larger head has one big eye and a jagged "mouth" that has, to date, rarely (or never) been painted in the mass-produced Gobon figures. The beefy Gobon looks more menacing than his cuddly default counterpart, and in pink I don't think it works well - it worked great in metallic blue, but the default configuration in this shade is so perfect I don't know why you'd want to change it.
I haven't bought many Gobons compared to other figures, and the production runs show it - it seems fewer Gobons are being made in both varieties and quantities, so the figure tended to sell out a smidgen faster this year in some cases. (There have been 3 Gobons in 2013, 5 Armorvors, and about 9 Crayboth.) The character is used less frequently and there's an actual story reason for this figure's color - the pink Gobon is a powered-up version of the character in the Enigma Source comic. I would suggest tracking this figure down for his own virtues - the pink looks great and varies wildly in appearance depending on how he's lit, the belly eye is awesome, and everybody loves Gobon. I think that's good enough reason. If you can get it for or near the issue price of $8, do so. is best not viewed in Apple's Safari browser, we don't know why. All material on this site copyright their respective copyright holders. All materials appear hear for informative and entertainment purposes. is not to be held responsible for anything, ever. Photos taken by the staff. Site design, graphics, writing, and whatnot credited on the credits page. Be cool-- don't steal. We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.
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