Takara-Tomy Beast Saga Long Giraf Burst Action Figure Takara-Tomy, 2102
Day #616: March 14, 2013
Long Giraf Burst The Clear Giraffe
Beast Saga Blind-Boxed Action Figures
Item No.: BS-03 Manufacturer:Takara-Tomy Includes:Sword, shield, 2 dice, trading card Action Feature:Dice launch out of stomach Retail:525 yen (or about $7) Availability: September 2012 Other: Early translation of name was "Long Tsurafu"
Because I'm a chump, I have Long Giraf Burst. Well, that's not entirely true - the boxed assortment of figures was originally shown with illustrations of unique molds like the walrus, so it was sort of not entirely known what I was ordering when I put in the pre-order. It gives new meaning to blind-boxed, no?
The figure has 4 points of articulation, just like the painted counterpart, except this one is largely devoid of deco. Molded in clear yellow and blue plastics, he has gold eyes and little else.
This release feels more retro, with a lack of deco and a generally cheaper appearance than his blister-carded cousin. While not exactly 1980s chic, the color does bring out some detail on the sculpt which the painted figure seems to let fade into the paint. More ridges and designs on the shoulders are a little easier to see in the right light, plus you can see where the unique colors of plastic are fastened together. There's a few green spots, too.
The dice (and dice mechanism) are par for the course, with the red character die having the same deco and numbers as the standard release. Mine had a bonus black die which has been packed with other figures, but I have no idea what the symbol means. Earthquake, maybe. I dunno. His sword and shield are identical to the single painted release, and these accessories were also packed with other figures. They're quite nice, they remind me a lot of the gear from the Legend of Zelda games.
Either version of this mold is worth owning, as they do look a little different when viewed side-by-side. It's not as striking as it could be, but hey, at least yellow is different from beige. The trading card shows a red, burning giraffe and much like the firey lion, that would probably have made for a far more interesting action figure. Still, this one looks like a weird test shot and I'm all over that kind of stuff. Go ahead and get one if the price is right, the joints work well, the deco is decent, and well, it's fun. That's why we buy these right?
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