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TransFormers Robot Masters Takara, 2004+

RM-01: Generation One Convoy

Generation One Convoy comes from a mold first used for Robot Masters in 2004. Released in the first series, he was also shipped with a metallic repaint, extra weapons, and a bonus DVD as RM-10. The mold was painted black for a Dengeki Hobby exclusive, and a contest prize recolor that was a limited edition of 10 pieces is supposedly available but we are unable to find out more about it at this time.

The mold itself was modeled after the Masterpiece Edition Convoy (aka Masterpiece Edition Optimus Prime) but with the intent of making it much smaller and more affordable. The mold combines elements from the classic character's appearance on the cartoon and the original toy.

RM-02: Beast Megatron

While he appears to be a smaller version of the Beast Wars Megatron from 1996, Beast Megatron is a brand new mold created for Robot Masters. Contrary to popular belief, it is not downsized from the 1996 figure, but has been recreated from the ground up.

This mold was repainted in black for an exclusive for HyperHobby Magazine.

RM-03: Rijie

Known to US fans as Mirage or Japanese fans as Ligier, Rijie was named as such due to, if you believe the pundits, copyright restrictions. Rijie is a repainted version of an old mold used for Machine Wars (Prowl and Mirage) as well as Robots in Disguise (Skid-Z) in the USA and in Car Robots (Indy Heat, Super Indy Heat) in Japan.

Rijie's mold appears to be the same as that used by Hasbro in the USA recently except for the additional chrome silver weapon.

RM-04: Wrecker Hook

Wrecker Hook is a repainted version of an old mold used for Machine Wars (Hoist and Hubcap) as well as Robots in Disguise (Tow-Line) in the USA and in Car Robots (Wrecker Hook, Super Wrecker Hook) in Japan. Previous versions of this mold were Autobots/Cybertrons, this is the first repaint of the figure to become a Decepticon/Destron.

This is identical to the mold used in the USA for Tow-Line.

RM-05: R-Blade

R-Blade is a repaint of an old Generation 2 mold known as Hooligan, which was later repainted and sold as Jetfire. In late 2004, a Universe repaint of this mold called Wind Sheer was released to stores.

Aside from the inclusion of a new silver chrome weapon, this mold is seemingly identical to previous releases. This time, the mold was repainted to look like Jetfire, aka Skyfire from the original series of toys, comics, and cartoons.

RM-06: Air Hunter

Originally sold as Megaplex and Megatron during Machine Wars, this mold is just another grunt when it was sold in smokey grey translucent plastic as Air Hunter. The same mold was also used in the USA for Robots In Disguise when it was called Wind Sheer, and sold in Japan during Beast Wars II as Thrust.

Aside from the inclusion of a green spear, the mold appears unchanged from previous releases. It does not appear Air Hunter was meant to reference an existing character in terms of its design.

RM-07: Bound Rogue

The tasmanian devil mold used for Bound Rogue was originally used in the USA for Beast Wars Snarl and then later in Japan for Beast Wars II's Tasmania Kid. The mold has received no significant changes, but the coloring is vastly different-- while the two Beast-era uses were brown, this new one is a striking blue color.

Like the other repainted toys in Robot Masters, Bound Rogue includes a newly molded silver rifle.

RM-08: Wingstun

One mold that has seen a lot of use before in numerous colors is that of Wingstun. In the USA, he was sold as Skywarp and Thundercracker while in Beast Wars II he was sold as Dirge. Finally, he was released in the USA for Robots in Disguise as Skyfire. The mold has a hidden rifle that stores in his legs in two pieces.

Wingstun includes a clear green spear weapon which is new to Robot Masters, although the rest of his weapons and the figure itself are the same as the previous releases.

RM-09: Psycho-Orb

Typically on the side of good, Psycho-Orb comes from a mold that is for the first time being sold as a villain. During Beast Wars in the USA and Japan, he was sold as Armordillo. For the Japanese Beast Wars Neo range, he was sold as Bump and recolored slightly. No significant changes were made to the mold over the years. As Armordillo, he was a light brown/orange color, and as Bump, he was red. Now, he's a very dark brown with gold highlights.

Psycho-Orb includes a clear green shield with an articulated joint for one of the handles.

RM-10: Generation One Convoy with DVD

This Generation One Convoy is identical to RM-01 but with added weapons and decoration changes. His eyes are yellow instead of clear, his torso is a dark metallic red instead of the bright anime version, his windows are a little darker, and the rest of him seems darker as well. His gun has been recolored to be black, and while his energon axe is the same he now includes two projectile-firing weapons instead of just one. His interchangable hands were not updated with metallic paint for this release. Also included in this package was a Region 2 DVD with files on the characters, a comic, and some commercials for the toys.

The mold itself was modeled after the Masterpiece Edition Convoy (aka Masterpiece Edition Optimus Prime) but with the intent of making it much smaller and more affordable. The mold combines elements from the classic character's appearance on the cartoon and the original toy.

RM-11: Beast Convoy

Beast Convoy is an entirely new mold based on a combination of the original Beast Wars Optimus Primal (aka Convoy) toy from 1996 and the computer model used for the television animation. It features numerous bells and whistles from both, such as a jetpack, his swords, and his wrist guns. Absent are the chest-beating action and the skull mace from the larger toy, but added are a more accurate robot mode head and increased articulation.

This toy was repainted in black as an exclusive in Hobby Japan magazine. In addition to the same parts as the regular release, a bonus recolored mace was included.

RM-12: Starscream

Starscream is a completely new design based on the original Generation One animation model and the original toy, with the colors and overall design leaning more toward the cartoon's design. While not as wildly posable as his Robot Masters peers, he does sport an updated look with silver chest missiles.

This toy was repainted in black as an exclusive in Figure King magazine. In addition to the same parts as the regular release, a bonus recolored spear was included. At this time, no additional recolors of this mold are planned.

RM-13: Smoke Sniper

Like its companion Gigant Bomb, this is the first time the mold used for Smoke Sniper was available alone. The toy is a recolored version of Generation 2 Smokescreen, Beast Wars II Starscrem, and Robots in Disguise Smokejumper. The toy was also scheduled to be a Generation 2 Starscream which was never released. There were molding changes made to the hands and to the rocket launchers, and this piece does include an exclusive green weapon available nowhere else. The toy's basic design also inspired Energon Starscream in 2003.

RM-14: Gigant Bomb

This is the first time the mold used for Gigant Bomb was available alone instead of being paired with the companion mold used for Smoke Sniper. It's a recolored version of Generation 2 Dreadwing, Beast Wars II BB, and Robots in Disguise Dreadwind. The toy was also scheduled to be a Generation 2 Megatron which was never released-- a plus, as it looks nothing like the villainous commander. The hands were remolded to hold the smaller peg size used for Robot Masters toys. For the time being, it appears this was the final time a classic mold was recolored for the regular Robot Masters range and was given a newly made weapon.

RM-15: Star Saber

A brand new mold based on the old toy, Star Saber is essentially a scaled-down version of the original TransFormers Victory toy, right down to the removable head. It was immediately available in a gift set with a more pearl sheen to it in RM-17 (Victory Saber), and an eHobby exclusive recolor is scheduled for 2005.

RM-16: Victory Leo

A brand new mold based on the old toy, Victory Leo is essentially a scaled-down version of the original TransFormers Victory toy. It included numerous guns and could be dismantled and combined with RM-15 Star Saber. It was immediately available in a gift set with a more pearl sheen to it in RM-17 (Victory Saber), and an eHobby exclusive recolor is scheduled for 2005.

RM-17: Victory Saber Gift Set

This set combines RM-15 and RM-16 but recolors them in a new perl color scheme. The set includes no unique parts but does offer the consumers both toys in one box and this may at times result in a lower cost. The set is scheduled to be released as an eHobby exclusive in 2005.

RM-18: Road Rocket

Another overlooked Generation 2 mold, this new version is based on the old toy of the same name. Unlike other toys from earlier in the line, this recolor includes no new unique weapons, but it does retain the original red light-up LED in his now blue chainsaw weapon.

The same mold has been recolored as Sideways in the USA only line Robots in Disguise as a Wal-Mart exclusive, and the mold was recolored again and sold in Japan's Microman line.

RM-19: Doubleface

The other mold to Generation 2's "Laser Cycles" subset, Doubleface returns here to pay homage to a character from TransFormers: Armada (or Micron Legend in Japan.) While no new weapons were included, the same light-up gimmick is present and the figure matches his namesake's colors quite well.

The same mold has been recolored as Axer in the USA only line Robots in Disguise as a Wal-Mart exclusive, and the mold was recolored again and sold in Japan's Microman line. During Generation 2, this toy was sold as Road Pig in the USA.

RM-20: Delta Seeker vs. X-Gunner

Some of the more popular molds to come out of Generation 2 were the super-posable Cyberjets and Delta Seeker vs. X-Gunner bring two more color schemes to market for these two. These are essentially the same as all the previous releases except there are no labels of any kind.

Delta Seeker was originally available during Generation 2 as both Air Raid and Skyjack. In the USA in 2004, it was also recolored and named Air Raid once again.

X-Gunner was sold during G2 as both Strafe and Space Case. For TransFormers Universe, it was also recolored and sold as Space Case.

RM-21: Burning Beast Convoy with DVD

A repaint based on the Beast Wars II movie special, Burning Beast Convoy is a prety slick firey recolor of RM-11 Beast Convoy. It includes no new weapons, but it does come with a spiffy DVD.

This mold was also used to make the Hobby Japan exclusive Black Beast Convoy.

Pages last updated March 11, 2005.


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 Battle Ravage
 Energon Saber
 Energon Starscream
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 Generation One
 Orion Pax & Dion

 Masterpiece Edition

 Robot Masters
 Air Hunter
 Beast Convoy
 Beast Megatron
 Bound Rogue
 Burning Beast Convoy + DVD
 G1 Convoy
 G1 Convoy + DVD
 Gigant Bomb
 Psycho Orb
 Road Rocket
 Smoke Sniper
 Wrecker Hook
 Black Beast Convoy
 Black Starscream
 Toy Checklist

 Optimus Prime

 Star Wars
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 Also See:
 TransFormers PVCs
 G.I. Joe
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