The 3 3/4-inch tall The Hulk is a bobble head. Most of the Pop! Vinyl characters are vinyl figures, but for some reason Star Wars and Marvel are bobbles. I'm glad to say it doesn't hurt the look of the item a bit, and since most people reading this column who buy toys won't play with them, well, does it really matter?
Through a fluke of fate, I bought this figure at a Target during a reset for $0.74. (I got it during the same trip as an Iron Man from the same line.) This was when it was brand-new to the chain, and not being one to miss out on a deal I snagged it. Which is good, because it's a fun figure-- the design really captures the essence of the character, toned down slightly. The Hasbro figures have incredibly wide shoulders, huge fists, and generally inhuman proportions-- this figure reels those in a lot, but keeps the caveman-esque brow and angry grimace. Also, this figure has a nose-- unusual for the line-- plus relatively normal human proportions. Well, normal plus giant pectoral muscles.
With torn purple shorts and no problems standing, this is another WYSIWYG release. The head bobbles nicely, he sits on a shelf or desk without too much hassle, and his spirit seems more Lou Ferrigno than Planet Hulk. There's not too much detail here, but there's little doubt that most people who see him will know exactly who he is. Unless they mistake him for the Jolly Green Giant, which given his place in the ad world, is increasingly unlikely. If you can get this figure cheap, get it. If you can get it for a fair price-- $10 or so-- I'd still say it's a nice addition to your desk, particularly if Hasbro's Marvel Universe line doesn't float your boat. I love toys... but style can add a lot. And this figure is nothing if not stylish. is best not viewed in Apple's Safari browser, we don't know why. All material on this site copyright their respective copyright holders. All materials appear hear for informative and entertainment purposes. is not to be held responsible for anything, ever. Photos taken by the staff. Site design, graphics, writing, and whatnot credited on the credits page. Be cool-- don't steal. We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.
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