Pop! Television Twin Peaks Audrey Horne Pop! Vinyl Figure
with Smokes
Pop! Television Twin Peaks Vinyl Figures
Item No.: No. 12697
Manufacturer: Funko
Includes: Display stand
Action Feature: n/a
Retail: $9.99
Availability: March 2017
Other: Pop! Television #450

If you saw the original Twin Peaks I'm sure you remember Audrey Horne. She was young, she looked like she fell out of the late 1950s (as pop culture presents it), and she had the hots for Agent Cooper. And she was a high school student. While her role in the second season diminished, she was a star the first year - and her role was pretty expansive. Her dad owned the hotel, too.
This 3 3/4-inch-ish scale figure has a jointed head and a clear display base with two pegs - one for each foot. She has no problems standing on her own either, which makes this somewhat surprising - Funko usually only gives stands one peg and/or the figure falls over. This is a good one.

Audrey's sculpting is good - on par with most Pop! figures, including varied textures on her sweater and skirt. The saddle shoes have white and black bits as well as brown soles. The stripes on the skirt look great, particularly given the pleats on the garment. I can't paint to save my life, so it's cool to see that the factory in Vietnam didn't find this to be a challenge.
Audrey's head turned out well, featuring Sherilyn Fenn's famous mole - but I don't think it was placed exactly where it should be. I'd say it should go a bit lower. The eyebrows are arched just like on the show, and the eyes have added long eyelashes - a perfect fit for the generally perfectly dolled-up Ms. Horne. It's also worth noting that, like Cooper, her head was molded in the brown hair color with the flesh parts painted over it. It's surprisingly well done, with the thick flesh color coating the dark brown of her locks and also matching her hands - one of which is holding a lit cigarette. Because, you know, she's a bad kid.
Audrey Horne the first - and I might say only - figure of this character. I assume we might still see an action figure, or a new show-specific version of her, but it might be a while. I know this is a common conclusion on so many Pop! figures, but it's the only game in town. If you want a figure of what I assume was David Lynch's adolescent dream woman, you might want to go ahead and pick this one up online or when you see her in stores. The figure turned out well and I hope they have another series in the works.
--Adam Pawlus
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