Pop! Television Twin Peaks The Giant Pop! Vinyl Figure
It is happening again. It is happening again.
Pop! Television Twin Peaks Vinyl Figures
Item No.: No. 12700
Manufacturer: Funko
Includes: Display stand
Action Feature: n/a
Retail: $9.99
Availability: March 2017
Other: Pop! Television #453

Originally solicited as a chase insert in the Leland Palmer cases, this Twin Peaks The Giant was sold individually. And thank goodness - I know resellers thrive on variants and chase pieces, but I just want my characters. A chase Leland with black hair would have been cool, but I digress - the Giant is cool.
If the actor looks familiar when you watch the new or old show, he should be. The large Carel Struycken has been on a ton of things you've probably seen, like Men in Black, Lurch in The Addams Family movies, and Mr. Homm on Star Trek: The Next Generation to name a few. For my Star Wars peeps, he was the king/warlord Terak in Ewoks: The Battle for Endor too.

This 4 3/4-inch-ish figure has a jointed head and a lumpier-than-usual face. Most Pop! figures of all strains have a pretty boxy, smooth head but the Giant has a pronounced brow. The figure retains the actor's receding grey hairline and matching eyebrows, and the generally benevolent - if large - appearance. He holds up his finger on one hand for this release, because there are things you must remember. The Giant retains the character's blue shirt and red bowtie, plus sports painted buttons down his shirt and on his wrists. The belt is painted with the loops remaining grey to match the rest of the pants, and deep grooves around his fly give the impression of deco where there is none. Nicely done.
The Giant's shoes lack decorated soles, but that's a hit-or-miss detail on any toy figure. Everything else seems on par with a good figure, but my sample has a little bit of paint outside the lines - specifically around the buttons and hands. It's worth noting that the painted hands match the molded head quite nicely.
The Giant was revealed early on in the first episode of the revival series airing right now, but if this makes him a major player is anybody's guess. David Lynch's work, like Monty Python, is tough to define in non-circuitous terms. The character is enigmatic, benevolent, and largely unknowable so far. There wasn't much about the character that demands he be a toy other than the distinctive appearance of the actor, and his recognizable costume doesn't hurt either.
--Adam Pawlus
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