Pop! Television Twin Peaks Black Lodge Cooper / Black Lodge Laura Pop! Vinyl Figures
Pop! Television Twin Peaks Vinyl Figures
Item No.: No. 13184
Manufacturer: Funko
Includes: Display stand
Action Feature: n/a
Retail: $30.00
Availability: July 2017
Other: San Diego Comic-Con Exclusives

I was delighted to see Black Lodge Cooper / Black Lodge Laura were made, and they did require a little effort to get, being convention exclusives. Perhaps due to Funko charging a bit more for them, the asking price on the secondary market is decidedly not terrible - and this makes me happy. As a collector it's my desire that every other fan can get what they want at a fair price (at the time of release), and as a toy monger I want everything to sell through quickly. These are two nifty figures and I wish they'd do some more based on the classic show. And Dougie.

Each 3 3/4-inch-ish scale figure has a jointed head a decet paint job. Cooper's hair line looks pretty iffy on the bottom, with Laura seeming the sharper of the two. Both feature otherworldly eyes with a pale blue center, which is interesting because that's not how I remember them appearing on the show. Cooper is spilling his coffee, while Laura is clearly trying to communicate without a mouth. Her dress and shoes are great, and bizarre. It's nice to have a plastic Sheryl Lee that's not a pale blue corpse.
At first glance Cooper looks a little like Vincent Vega from Pulp Fiction, thanks to the slicked-back hair and the suit. Mercifully, a half second later and you just realize it's Dale Cooper. His coffee cup is dropping out the side, and his suit is perfect. Glossy shoes, a simple striped tie, and a few seams keep the simple sculpting honest. I'm glad they included the mug, as without it the figure would just be pretty blah in the suit. He'd need a donut, or a rock, or... something. He seems to stand well.
Black Lodge Cooper / Black Lodge Laura is a decent set complete with Black Lodge backdrop - a unique feature in these items. Laura has a a stand to help keep her upright, and she seems to be thicker than most women thanks to her dress - with any luck, she won't sag over time. I like this set a lot, mostly because it adds to a line that could easily be two or three times as large. Well... maybe not that large. I can't assume people are willing to do a deep dive after getting Dale and Audrey, but how's Annie?
For a fair price, go ahead and pick up this set. The box is thicker and sturdier, plus the characters are just so strange that I dig 'em. In light of the weirdness that was the ending of the latest series, it's nice to see these two characters together in a context that doesn't leave you wondering what you just spent 18 hours watching.
--Adam Pawlus
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