Funko Pop! Television Stranger Things Will Pop! Vinyl Figure Funko, 2017 |
Day #1,732: June 23, 2017 |
Pop! Television Stranger Things Will Pop! Vinyl Figure
Boy Gone Missing
Pop! Television Stranger Things Vinyl Figures
Item No.: No. 13325
Manufacturer: Funko
Includes: n/a
Action Feature: n/a
Retail: $9.99
Availability: January 2017
Other: Pop! Television #426

Funko doesn't seem to go too gingerly into many of its licenses, starting Stranger Things with nearly everything. Missing boy Will Byers is the heart of the show, a child who goes missing that the adults seem to care about, but he doesn't make many appearances on the show and like Laura Palmer or Khan, you're likely to learn his name before anybody else's. The small boy comes dressed like a kid, with a bowl haircut, and is almost disappointingly plain.

This 3 3/4-inch-ish scale figure has no stand, but keeps upright fairly well. Unlike most of the other kids he doesn't have a distinctive gizmo in his hand or a standout fashion choice, instead he just looks like Will. One hand is on his backpack strap with the other hanging at his side, not holding or doing anything. The face isn't terribly expressive as his eyebrows are covered by is bowl cut, and the hair itself lacks the volume or body language of the other releases of this line. It's consistent with his characterization on the show - flat, and you don't notice that he isn't there unless someone points it out. It's by no means bad, but if they held him back for a later wave nobody would probably throw up their arms in a rage. That would be reserved for our new lord and queen Barb.
Thanks to the face exhibiting minimal specific personality, his clothes are left to pick up the slack. The shoes are colorful Adidas-esque kicks with white stripes and big wide laces. You'll find Netflix and Funko markings on the soles of his shoes rather than treads, which makes sense, and his pants are flat and pale, I would wager you have or had something similar in your closet. The jacket is actually pretty fantastic... I'd wear one of those. He has a long shirt on under it, and a backpack that is a backpack.
Given he's the missing core of the gang that drives the show, making him is almost an obligation. For all I know, it could even have been in the contract - more of these are undoubtedly coming as variants and specials make the rounds, with another gaggle no doubt on the way for whatever season two has in store. While I was genuinely impressed with many of the other figures in the line, Will is a little ho-hum. He's not bad. He's not outstanding. Im struggling to point you to something other than the precision of the sneaker deco that may be worthy of highlighting for praise. I figure he'll go on the back row of his shelf.
--Adam Pawlus
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