Pop! Television Stranger Things Lucas Pop! Vinyl Figure
Good sculpt, nice deco
Pop! Television Stranger Things Vinyl Figures
Item No.: No. 13324
Manufacturer: Funko
Includes: n/a
Action Feature: n/a
Retail: $9.99
Availability: January 2017
Other: Pop! Television #425

The show Stranger Things was jam-packed with references to all sorts of classic goodies, like Lucas - and I'm sure the creators may say I'm wrong, but I can't imagine him not being a nod to George Lucas. You could say he's a visionary - the figure is sculpted with non-removable binoculars in his hand, with a surprisingly detailed costume with amazing faux-fabric texture on his plastic person.
This 3 3/4-inch-ish scale figure has an articulated head and no stand - he stands just fine on his own. Or with his friends.

It seems irresponsible to say "what you see is what you get," but that's not fair from the truth. The sculpted hair has a wonderful texture, its hairline masked by a bandanna - which is covered in some of the better camo deco I've seen on a plastic toy lately. There's a lot of color, and it's surprisingly clean. I expect more paint bleed, so hopefully Funko just nailed down any deco problems we've seen previously. It looks good. The face is more or less standard Pop! Vinyl fare with big eyebrows, black dots for eyes, and a small pointy nose. The ears are lacking any definition, and the eyebrows looks somewhat mistrusting.
I don't expect these guys to have any arm articulation, although I had to check Lucas just to make sure. His right arm holds the binoculars in a way that looks like it just maybe just might move. It doesn't. Both arms seem to be sculpted as separate pieces, glued in place for whatever reason. I love that the binoculars have black lenses, as this sets them apart from the green casing. What really surprised me, though, was the rest of the outfit. The jacket has an awesome texture, and even has the collar painted and sculpted with the wool-like texture. You can barely even see it, but Funko made sure to put it there. His belt looks a bit like Batman's, with multiple pouches and painted snaps on each. His brown pants are also sculpted like corduroy, and his shoes seem to have multiple shades of blue and a surprising amount of sculpted detail. These look like someone modeled them after real sneakers, rather than more or less fudging it. (I'm no sneaker expert, so you'd have to chime in here.) Short of sculpting treads underneath, there's not a heck of a lot Funko could probably do to enhance this figure and keep it true to the Pop! Vinyl Figure aesthetic. You've got a jointed neck, and anything else would probably be considered against the natural order of things.
If you aren't already on board with this format, I assume this figure won't make you a convert. As someone who has got a bunch of them - and who has seen a ton of them - I can say that this particular show seems to be one of the better sets I've picked up. Funko seems to be increasing the level of complexity in its paint applications while spending some more effort sculpting the costumes. This is good. I don't know how much more than can improve the sculpting before breaking the Pop! Vinyl Figure Aesthetic, but as long as the proportions don't change we'll probably keep seeing even more incremental improvements between now and the time that the line becomes unprofitable.
--Adam Pawlus
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