NV Subject Unpainted Purple, Black with Dr. Styre Head
481 Universe Glyos-Compatible Figures
Item No.: n/a Manufacturer:NiStuff Includes:Figure as-is, may have included bonus unpainted helmet and Outlander head outside the sealed baggie Action Feature:n/a Retail:$10.00 Availability: August 5 2013 Other: Round Two: an Unpainted Outlander with a Styre Head
A slightly different take on his Outlander build, the NV Subject is great evidence of the creativity employed in this figure's design. The 17 parts are mostly the same as Silas, but with elements of the arms and legs swapped to give the figure a different, far more awkward look and feel. This figure does a great job illustrating the versatility of the Glyos system while dancing along the razor's edge between a great figure and a bit of a dud. It's a step to the side with a quarter-step back - good for customizers, nice for variety, but at this point it would seem collecting the entire family of production figures is not only difficult, but a little bland. Getting some, though? That's a good idea.
I'll probably reconfigure the figure after the review, but for the purposes of this feature I'm going to say that as-is, wow, blah. The fault is mostly from the looser-feeling joints (which may just be my sample) and the shoulders being repurposed as hips (not my sample.) The hips are now in the way of the arms, and they're a little bow-legged. The figure tends to hunch over a bit, but it's not beyond redemption - you can tweak it and pose it just-so, but it's nowhere near the pleasure that the Outlander Silas configuration was. You can just plop him on your desk, and he stands. If standard Glyos vehicles were a thing, this figure would probably fail sitting in them - but thanks to the bow-legged fluke, the NV Subject actually fits better on the Warp Bike than most figures.
Sadly there isn't a matching bike - yet anyway - but if there were, this figure definitely shows that this style of figure is suited to bike riding. The arms are a little on the awkward side, but the figure's ability to drive is quite impressive overall.
The head sculpt has been around for a while, cast in and sold in various colors on the Ni Stuff storefront. It's not exclusive to this figure (other than color, so far) and it's amazingly similar to the heads and sculpting styles of Onell Design.
It was $2 cheaper and I'm glad it was - with the different head, it's interesting, but the photo made it tough to tell if the eyes were painted or not. (They aren't.) Ordering from the Ni Stuff shop was a pain - I couldn't even get in the shop to see what the prices were on half of the items - so I consider myself to be dubiously fortunate to have been able to snag this one. I don't regret the purchase, but I'm less inclined to buy more of this mold unless - like this release - it had a unique piece. Or perhaps glow in the dark elements. It took a while to sell down, and I think I would have dug it a lot more with painted eyes or some small deco detail.
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