Did you know there are actually bios written for all these Minifigures? Totally true. They're on LEGO.com on a microsite just for the sub-line. They range from the irreverent to somewhat serious, and this one seems to be somewhere in between. An excerpt from the Sumo Wrestler: "He watches his calories, makes sure to get plenty of fiber in his meals, and always finishes his vegetables. Like he says, you can't get big and strong without taking good care of yourself!"
Like most figures in this line, the basic figure body has been decorated to give it the illusion of a different form-- the mostly yellow plastic figure had some lines drawn on him to make him look fat. His black uniform is also present, plus he's got some great wrinkles around his eyes. The dude looks stern, and adds to the growing line of Asia-inspired figures which also include a Karate Man, a Samurai, and a Ninja. Truly, LEGO has a firm g.shtml of what its fans want, hitting all the major high points except (to date) the hobo. Playmobil gave us one, so what's keeping you LEGO?
This is not a good figure to buy to harvest for parts. My sample included a bronze-colored minifigure trophy which is painted, not molded, in the color-- this is unusual for LEGO. Other than the trophy, the only part you might want to repurpose is the hair. He has the classic topknot which, I suppose, could be repurposed for a waitress or something. Or maybe a samurai without his helmet. Either way, it looks nice and this is one of those figures that you might want to make sure you get twice over-- you can swap his head and maybe the legs so you can set up a match in your LEGO towns. It's a nice figure, simple yet exactly as good as you might expect. I guess short of a fat suit, there's not much else LEGO could do here. Well, I guess they could draw in back fat, but that'd just be gross.
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