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New York's American International Toy Fair February 16, 2014

Your new favorite Japanese import! We've seen stuff from Kotobukiya for years, but they never cease to surprise and delight with fun displays and surprising choices. Hypersexy Armored Wonder Woman, Huntress, and Starfire are pretty likely candidates from DC Comics. We've seen numerous attractive PVC lady statues, but the real stunner was a concept drawing for Bishoujo Jason and Freddy statues from horror franchises Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street. Lady Jason is positively ripped, and Freddy - a character based on a disfigured child molester - has certainly never looked better. Granted this is no stranger than cuddly plush or baby-faced plastic figures, but still, it's a bizarre and delightful addition to the line.

Images - More Toy Fair 2014 Coverage and Pictures Below
Toy Fair 2014 - Kotobukiya Toy Fair 2014 - Kotobukiya

Jubilee of X-Men fame will be joining the Marvel Bishoujo stable, while Star Wars had some pretty stupendous displays for its 1:6 scale line. Han Solo and Chewbacca are due in November and look fantastic in prototype form, while a placeholder image for Luke Skywalker with Princess Leia promises something of interest in 2014. I was particularly taken by the diorama displays, and I have to appreciate the slow-drip approach to this line - it certainly hasn't been suffering from an overabundance of product sucking away a collector's spare cash.

--Adam Pawlus

Additional Images
Toy Fair 2014 - Kotobukiya Toy Fair 2014 - Kotobukiya
Toy Fair 2014 - Kotobukiya Toy Fair 2014 - Kotobukiya
Toy Fair 2014 - Kotobukiya Toy Fair 2014 - Kotobukiya
Toy Fair 2014 - Kotobukiya Toy Fair 2014 - Kotobukiya

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