Mezco! Unfortunately I did not get shots of everything - some Breaking Bad Jesse Pinkman figures were shown, and we were told that the series is actually more popular as a product now than it was while the show was still airing. Because I don't care about spoilers, it says a lot that you can have a strong show with a dead hero that still has enough clout to keep people interested and buying. If that weren't enough, Walter White himself was handed out to select VIPs at the showroom - see a picture of him below. New pillows and plushes were also shown, including one featuring the mug of the great Bob Odenkirk.
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A line of plush Texty Bears incorporate modern LOLspeak, while Mez-Itz continue with a ton of DC characters, including Batman 1966. You'll also notice more South Park without too much newness. I was particularly delighted to see Axe Cop is still coming, although its future is not presently known. No new jumbo ThunderCats were shown this year, but there were plenty of Living Dead Dolls in various strains including one with glow-in-the-dark Pumpkin elements.
--Adam Pawlus
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